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  1. CypressChill

    alright what am i looking at?

    Damn you made 2 posts asking the same thing...what? you didnt believe us in this forum? needed a second opinion? nah j/k..get ya that other one
  2. CypressChill

    alright what am i looking at?

    Get another then...that has wayyyy to many balls to even be worth finishing. :peace:
  3. CypressChill

    alright what am i looking at?

    I heart hurts for your heart... it sucks...hopefully that wasnt your only one
  4. CypressChill

    alright what am i looking at?

    yep unfortunately
  5. CypressChill

    alright what am i looking at?

    Yep unfortunately
  6. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    Yep my lights are all up in that bitch!:peace:
  7. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    Thanks again Growone. Looking back on this grow i believe i should have flowered at a month in doing 24/0, but I'm just happy to have got a female and a pretty good looking one, if I may say so myself, considering all the stress I put her through. At one point even, I thought it was a male, so I...
  8. CypressChill

    DIY CFL light set up

    Paranoid420 DIY CFL light set up Q- do I need to add a few 6500k bulbs in with the 2700K flowering bulbs? I have read conflicking reports on this. Well, it depends..if your flowering, sure a few 6500k lights wont hurt, I've heard it can be beneficial. If your vegging then you should be...
  9. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    Don't get me wrong...I absolutely LOVE the CFL's...who woulda thunk it, that you could grow great weed with a household "green" light. When I first started researching how to grow weed I had no idea what a CFL was, then I did a google image search and was like "doh".Its what I freakin use in my...
  10. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    AWW YEAH! Definitely I will harvest by the trichomes...I have been doing my homework after all ;) Thats why I'm thinkin another 4-6 weeks, so the buds can fill out and those trichs can ripen. I'm gonna have to take a trip to radioshack or somewhere to find something to magnify those babies...I...
  11. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    Thanks plantsinpants, I was told I wouldnt be able to produce decent buds using CFL's but their looking pretty tight to me. Yep Growone I've been studying hard and learning a lot about how to pull off a better grow next time. Right now I'd give myself a C+/B-...haha As far as the strain I'm...
  12. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    actually 4-42w 2700k (the 150w equivalent ones.) NOT the 65 watters so that would make it 311 total watts
  13. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    4-65w 2700k 3-26w 2700k 1-13w 2700k 2-26w 6500k 403 total watts i believe(maths not my strong point) I was using 3 26w 6500k bulbs but switched one out with the 13w 2700k bulb so i could get it closer to soe lower buds without burning some of the fan leaves.
  14. CypressChill

    1st CFL grow 3 months in

    Its been awhile since I posted anything so here is my grow so far (pics from a month in until now)Thanx for your help R.I.U! 4/20/09- Seedling breaks soil and vegetative growth officially begins. 24/0 lighting. 6/01/09- Switched to 18/6 lighting 6/04/09- 45 days vegging. 6/05/09- Topped and...
  15. CypressChill

    Good How to Video

    If you have a high speed connection you should check out this video. Cannabis Cultivation- I Grow Chronic (How to Grow Pot) He shows you how to create 2 hydro setups and gives a good deal of info for the beginner to growing, such as cloning ect... bongsmilie...
  16. CypressChill

    need answer from a pro!

    Ok thanks alot GG13 I will give her another week and then BOOM!!! She wont know what to do but produce big fat buds. BTW is there anything wrong with an autoflowering strain?
  17. CypressChill

    need answer from a pro!

    GoldenGanja13 after i topped her she appeared to have no stress due to the fact that she continues to grow (the 2 new shoots ect..) It seems that when i switched to 18/6 that getting that first taste of darkness made her begin flowering ( i guess thats auto flowering..idk)
  18. CypressChill

    need answer from a pro!

    Just curious but why do you say flower now mud1dnot2?
  19. CypressChill

    need answer from a pro!

    Alright thanks everybody. I just checked my plant and it looks like female preflowers, pretty sure they are. Theres a few preflowers that are actually looking like they are flowering...they kinda look like the beginning of secondary growth but its the preflower Im 100% positive it is not...
  20. CypressChill

    need answer from a pro! theres no correlation by how your main stalk branches? When you look at nature it seems all seed and fruit bearing plants have alternating nodes running up the main stalk.