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  1. CypressChill

    Is there a doctor in the house (pics included)

    For a second there it looked like she was gonna recover. Definitely a sad day when you pulled her after putting all the time and effort in to grow but at least you gained some valuable knowledge. I just watered today so next watering i will do the epsom and H2O2 unless things take a turn for the...
  2. CypressChill

    Is there a doctor in the house (pics included)

    Thanx, I read Filthy Fletches posts on using MG soil, and I'm guessing I may have been overwatering and over fertilizing because of the time release nutes since my water ph was around 7. I'm afraid to flush because wouldn't that be the same thing as overwatering? Next time I water I probably use...
  3. CypressChill

    ? about ph

    Im not going to risk it but I have read that many commercial growers use battery acid to ph down their soil and I found out that using MG can actually lower your ph as well.
  4. CypressChill

    Is there a doctor in the house (pics included)

    I think my plants are experiencing either nute burn or a ph problem. Can anyone confirm or deny this and provided much needed advice on how to deal with this problem.The lower leaves have rusty colored splotches on them.I water them when top layer is crusty using rainwater and every 3rd watering...
  5. CypressChill

    ? about ph

    I was wondering if ph down contained sulfuric acid and ph up contained sodium carbonate. If so would it be ok to use the ph up/down I use for a swimming pool?:confused:
  6. CypressChill

    when does the grow time exactly start??

    How are you growing it? In a window with natural sunlight or with artificial lighting? If your growing in a window with the sun being your light source then it will have the normal vegatative cycle as if it was planted outside.
  7. CypressChill

    Thank you rollitup!

    Hell yeah, just go throw those bitches around the countryside and let em grow and when their ready to harvest give me a ring and I'll help ya cut em' down.Then I'll match ya with what i grew.:joint: BTW nice lookin' avatar pic,you grow that? Cause she looks sexy!
  8. CypressChill

    when does the grow time exactly start??

    I'd say vegging starts as soon as it breaks through the soil so it can begin absorbing light.
  9. CypressChill

    Thank you rollitup!

    300 seeds! Damn! Sounds like it was from a hermie. The seeds i have were from some nice green dank buds,really compact and sticky icky! 3 seeds in the ounce, so I'm hopeing i can do them justice with my grow. I'll get some pics when i get batteries for the cam. Good luck with your grow.I'm not...
  10. CypressChill

    Thank you rollitup!

    Hey spliffbazz, thanks for the welcome. Right now I'm just tryin this grow with some bagseed. Shes definitely an Indica dominant strain. I have 3 6500k and 1 2700k CFLs on her right now. Shes been vegging for 23 days and I'm thinking of putting her into flowering at the beginning of next week.
  11. CypressChill

    Thank you rollitup!

    Hey fellow aficionados, I'm a newbie trying my first indoor CFL grow. First off I would like to thank everyone for posting and sharing their growing experiences with the community. I have gained a vast wealth of knowledge to help me in my growing of this most excellent plant thanks to all of...