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  1. georgeisabamf

    Yellowing of lower leaves, small brown spots forming...

    To be honest I've only checked my Ph levels once. I unfortunately don't have a legit meter myself. I use tap water, though I purify it. I should really get into that, but like I said the plants were yellow even before I got them. I think they may SLOWLY be getting better. I feel ever since...
  2. georgeisabamf

    Yellowing of lower leaves, small brown spots forming...

    Now before we get into the problem, let's talk about where my plants are at. This is my first ever indoor grow for starters, I've only attempted growing 3 times in the past (all outdoors) and have been rather successful. So now I want to give it a whirl indoors. Right now I am running ~160...
  3. georgeisabamf

    Browning on lower leaves DWC TNT Kush

    Not sure on your exact situation, and honestly someone correct me if I am wrong. But I have heard that if the lower leaves are starting to yellow/die but have a red-ish tint to them, then it may be a simple potassium deficiency. Not sure if you've considered this? What nutes are you using...