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  1. georgeisabamf

    Led Users Unite!
  2. georgeisabamf


    Eh man I'm not professional but she/he looks iffy. It may be to early to tell though. I wish you the best my man.
  3. georgeisabamf

    Led Users Unite!

    I wish I could get a job but my school schedule is odd man. I get a new schedule every month and my class hours are on a 24/7 basis. Meaning I can have class from 9 PM-4 AM the next day. So it's hard to get a job flexible enough with their hours. :(
  4. georgeisabamf

    Led Users Unite!

    So what wattage of LED light should I get for my grow space? I have a basically a 2x2x1 foot grow space to start plants in that I plan on using the LED in. I have at least doubled the size of the box so it is larger, but I want something I can run close to my plants to get them to veg out...
  5. georgeisabamf

    picked up a 1000w hps yesterday.........

    Personally I'd run one during veg and one during flower (obviously MH for veg, HPS for flower). Great set up though, if you can cool them fine I don't think it'd hurt to run both. Should get massive yield with that big of system though. Congrats on grabbing one, I would if I had the...
  6. georgeisabamf

    What do you think?

    I used to run a T5 setting in fact it was the first light set up I bought. Though it's slightly different than the one you got and I ran it a while back only during veg, it did what it was supposed to do. Fluorescents work fine IMO, I prefer HID if you want to go the more expensive (usually)...
  7. georgeisabamf

    New State, new grow Sleezstac, LA Confidential, Purple Maroc, Fast Nevilles

    a 1000 watt CFL? Sorry if I'm late but this can't just be one bulb, right? Or are we talking about getting an HID light or something here? Edit: Just read it's 1000watt HPS with 400w MH that will definitely boost your babies up. Should get some dense buds now, can't wait to see the results...
  8. georgeisabamf

    Led Users Unite!

    Can anyone suggest a decent LED light for under 100 dollars? I don't even know if this is possible, I've found them under 100 but don't know of quality for growing. Want something that can run well during both veg and flowering, but am willing to get separate as needed. LED's intrigue me...
  9. georgeisabamf

    U-Haul Box Ghetto Grow Greatness!

    Looking nice my man. Way to go!
  10. georgeisabamf

    Figured I'd Start a Thread

    Anyone think that transplant might have killed these guys? I mean I transplanted maybe 4-5 days ago, but I can't really figure out much of what could be the problem besides that. I'm clueless. Edit: Will get pics of the plants later that are having problems. One of them I removed from the...
  11. georgeisabamf

    Figured I'd Start a Thread

    I have two intake fans running than run quite well. They move what seems like a lot of air, and also have just a hole for exhaust however you can feel wind being blown out of it. I don't know man, I haven't checked my temps lately as the only temp gauge I own I accidently left back in my...
  12. georgeisabamf

    Figured I'd Start a Thread

    So does anyone possibly know why 2 of my 4 plants have shriveled up and died in the past 2 days? It's already beginning to happen to the other 2 as well. I put a few more lights in the box (though not close to the plants) and next thing you know everything starts to die. I took the lights out...
  13. georgeisabamf

    Transferring from soil to DWC.

    Haha well it makes me not want to do it anymore. I just had to transfer these guys to bigger pots and one ended up dying last night out of nowhere. I had 4 plants, all looked fine yesterday, woke up and am down to 3. Maybe I'll just run DWC on my next grow.
  14. georgeisabamf

    Transferring from soil to DWC.

    I got a quick question and if there is a guide for this then please link me to it. However I have a basic indoor cfl grow going now running in soil. I've crafted homemade DWC systems before and really the only reason I'm not running these 3 plants in one now is due to the fact that my friend...
  15. georgeisabamf

    Figured I'd Start a Thread

    So I woke up this morning and 1 of my plants is dead. I don't know what happened but it's completely dried up and looks like crap. :(
  16. georgeisabamf

    Video Log Reserva Privada Kandy Tlo Organic Air Prune Pots

    Looking beautiful man! Organic is bar none the way to go. Seems expensive to get everything you have though, just gotta work my way up there myself. You have any suggestions for good (and extremely safe) organic solutions for gnats? I get these little soil gnats that come around in some of...
  17. georgeisabamf

    Figured I'd Start a Thread

    Also just got back from home depot. Got myself some 2700k lights for flowering (about the same amount of wattage I am running during veg), and some pvc tubing to make a frame. Light fixtures still end up costing me a lot though, I mean it was just about $50 bucks but I've had to build 2 of...
  18. georgeisabamf

    a little help understanding N-P-K

    NPK is found in 3 numbers. For example: 5-4-5 The N is the percent amount of Nitrogen. P is phosphorous and the K is potassium. As the above poster said an NPK of "1" is unheard of. At least to me as well.
  19. georgeisabamf

    Figured I'd Start a Thread

    So here's an update for yall. Got some better pictures of the plants: Group shots!! Plant that is giving me problems. As I said before a light did fall on it. But that was about 4 days ago, not sure about yellowing of leaves. Trying to make sure this guy doesn't die :( I like this...
  20. georgeisabamf

    Figured I'd Start a Thread

    Thanks for the advice man. I am not 100% sure how to tie down my plants though. I have read into LST the past couple of days, I guess I'll keep up with it and tie it down as needed. The little guys are definitely growing so I'm excited for that. I think I overwatered one of them though (not...