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  1. ktwister

    Cardholders...Have you ever been stooped yet by the police?

    Yeah, and as multiple others pointed out, you told it the first couple times, like you were definitely smoking some Cali bud. And as I said before, this is a thread about Michigan patients and there experiences with LEO, why are you posting here ? it's not a thread about how much your plants are...
  2. ktwister

    Lansing dispensory robbed

    If only a select few could learn to google, spell, and articulate without digressing into profane whiny rants, this world would be so much better.
  3. ktwister

    Lansing dispensory robbed

    yeah, that's how articulate people respond back. wow, that's an even more clever retort. google can help with spelling too in your subject field there. btw - I googled what you said, and google shot me back a picture of some weirdo that looks like Vern Troyer holding his little wang. Thanks...
  4. ktwister

    Lansing dispensory robbed

    I'll learn to read, if you learn to google. whoops, beat ya. The last person that gave you info you freaked out on. So let me get this right, if I give you info, you'll freak out, or if I don't give you info. Is this some kind of catch-22 ?
  5. ktwister

    Michigan card in Cali?

  6. ktwister

    Cardholders...Have you ever been stooped yet by the police?

    exactly. I wonder if budlover13 actually even knows what political games are, cuz I'm already confused by this one. At least I'm not being pulled over by this stellar shining example. :bigjoint: Are you asking or making an interpretation on your local or state laws regarding this topic ? Not...
  7. ktwister

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    I will open one right next door if you and your family will promise to support me and keep it open. pinky swear ;-)
  8. ktwister

    Lansing dispensory robbed

    def, wasn't on edge, he's just sick of stoners who are to baked to type a subject matter into google. Either that or it's cuz no one cares about Lansing dispensaries. I mean Danny Trevino :dunce: yeah right. get your computa fixxed instead of buying old Nickelback vinyl :idea:
  9. ktwister

    Cardholders...Have you ever been stooped yet by the police?

    So let me get this right. You were walking your dogs (plural, meaning more than one) and some bike cop smelled vapors off you from the corner over the smells off your dogs, and so you flashed him your card ? Wait..... and now you are saying you used to be a cop so you understand ? Understand...
  10. ktwister

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    I love it,...:wall: just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Liberty City Clinic/Liberty 420 Clinic in AA, now has set the standard for their new rates for medicine. Average - $20-25 a gram for most anything. I am sure they are going to blame the new $5 jack up on their already...
  11. ktwister

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    You only need an appointment if you want to see a doctor, but An appointment to get scammed most likely. Their doctor prices are through the roof, just like their cannabis. I checked them out earlier this month and last. Yeah, I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt. Both times, nothing but...
  12. ktwister

    Just passed in the Senate

    I think maybe the brief synopsis of this is causing some confusion in the INterpretation of the law area. I'd advise anyone interested in this area to research it. ALSO, VERY interesting where she rep's in the coming timeframe. For more clarification, here's what one article of the nearly...
  13. ktwister

    Just passed in the Senate

    1/15/2009--Introduced.Saving Kids from Dangerous Drugs Act of 2009 - Amends the Controlled Substances Act to make it unlawful for any adult (at least 18 years of age) to knowingly and intentionally manufacture, create, distribute, or dispense, or to possess with such intent, a Schedule I or...