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  1. F

    brown spots yellowing leaves

    ok someone has to know something...come on guys
  2. F

    brown spots yellowing leaves

    my 2 week old white widow plant started getting brown spots on some of the bigger leaves on top and the 2 old big ones at the bottom are turning yellowish. i've been watering every 3 days with 6.5 ph but i noticed this after i moved it into a bigger maybe it has something to do with...
  3. F

    curling/shriveling leaves!!

    ive actually thought it was too hot by the plant, maybe the light is close cuz the intake and exhaust fans both blow perfectly fine. u think 3 cfl's is fine?
  4. F

    curling/shriveling leaves!!

    the older fan leaves of my one week old white widow are kinda curling and shriveling looking. i've been looking it up but i cant seem to find an answer. the new leaves coming out r healthy looking though. currently growing it in a little box with 3 daylight CFL's which i think one of them might...
  5. F


    well i repotted to a bigger pot cuz the roots were already touching the drain rocks at the bottom and watered it with around 5.5 to 6 ph (stupid color tester liquid kit, it sux!) and i also added one more cfl in there. The plant also grew the leves bigger already and im pretty sure it got a...
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    alright gotcha i was planning on adding more lights anyway most likely 2 more
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    yea it's a tall stalk with 4 leaves only but it looks healthy just tall and i can see its starting to grow more in the middle, ill take a picture so you guys can see. i actually think it'a shorter than 4" it might be like 3 or something but i'll just take some pics.
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    i'm currently growing one Seedsman White Widow seed cuz the other one didnt make it out the dirt for some reason. I'm growing under one daylight cfl with a reflective hood about 3" from the plant. it's been three days and it's about 4" tall or something like that growing beautiful. it's in a...
  9. F

    A lil advice plz (LST)

    9inches tall plus pot size plus light so are you trying to grow a 2" plant?
  10. F


    i used to get xanax prescribed for my GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) but they were the little ones. im not gonna lie i still pop them once in a while just to get blasted but be calm and relaxed at the same time lol. ive never been addicted to them even when i was a teen. i know plenty of...