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  1. MrJones86

    150w HPS WW, 7 weeks in (2 weeks Veg/ 5 weeks flower)

    Thanks for all the advice. I'm strapped for cash with Christmas and all, so I've just added on 140w (actual) of linear/cfl lighting. I've been keeping the light 3-4 inches from the tops of the plants. The 33" plant actually had some fan leaves grow into the light when I didn't check for a day...
  2. MrJones86

    150w HPS WW, 7 weeks in (2 weeks Veg/ 5 weeks flower)

    My second grow now. I don't know if this is just a late bloomer or if I'm just going to have a lot of little popcorn bud with no cola. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here ? The plants are 30 and 33 inches tall, but look far less stretched than what my last grow turned out. Constructive...
  3. MrJones86

    Did I score, or did I just haul off somebody else's junk?

    You did good, real good. 2 of those lights for an eighth (roughly) would have still been a good deal.
  4. MrJones86

    do I need a relay switch for this timer ?

    There shouldn't be any ill effects until 1500w most of the time.
  5. MrJones86

    Electrical component question..

    It's called a capacitor and/or capicitor bank. The only place it saves is on motor loads. Unless it's in an industrial facility with a lot of motors running, then it's not beneficial at all to buy into.
  6. MrJones86

    Halogen Work light grow

    WAY too much heat and not nearly enough useful spectrum from the quartz-halogens. Daylight or 6500k flouros will be good enough for vegging a couple of plans.
  7. MrJones86

    Apartment inspection next week!!!!help!!!

    Take a massive shit and don't flush it. Leave the bathroom door open. Take a gallon jug of water, empty 1/4 of it, and add a few tablespoons of molasses. Poke a few holes in the lid and a day later it'll be the only smell in the place. Put the stopper in your sink and pour in a cup of bleach...
  8. MrJones86

    Hydroponic Root Rot?

    Looks like the colour is from the nutrient solution to me. Do the roots feel slimy ? What is the temp of the water in the res ? If you don't have a method of keeping trck of res temps, I'd suggest going to your local WallyWorld or pet supply store and getting an aquarium thermometer. If you're...
  9. MrJones86

    two free 5 packs of dinafem .....

    I think these are some awesome looking freebies. As you can see in the first or second pic, they must have ran out of Kandy Kush when they sent mine. Haven't had Amnesia Haze before, but I'll guess we'll see how that goes if the bean sprouts. Oh, and in case you can't read them, the 2 5 packs...
  10. MrJones86

    Help me diagnose my lemon skunk issue please +rep

    Maybe Mag deficiency, but I'm not completely sure. Are you using anything to supplement magnesium intake like Cal/Mag ? If not, consider adding 1/4 tsp of epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to every gallon of water you use. Even if it's not the problem this time, it could help prevent it in the...
  11. MrJones86


    How have I not seen this yet ? Glad to contribute.
  12. MrJones86

    175W HPS Closet grow

    That is one frosty lookin' plant my friend ! Congrats to you and best of luck the rest of the way !
  13. MrJones86

    two free 5 packs of dinafem .....

    I got in on this as well. Looking forward to the g13 WW, Kandy Kush, and whichever of the random 10 seeds that arrive with 'em. For $20 to the US, you can't beat this deal.
  14. MrJones86

    Reserva Privada KandyKush Grow +Rep for stopping in!

    I've got some KK on the way from Attitude and this just gets me more stoked about it ! I've got some WW in veg right now, so I should be putting it into flower by the time I gett my KK in the dirt. Just waiting for the finish line and a smoke report on those other 2 strains !
  15. MrJones86

    Follow My Auto AK-47 & White Widow Grow..!

    Oh, and as for a cheap reflective surface, paint the walls of the cab FLAT WHITE.
  16. MrJones86

    Follow My Auto AK-47 & White Widow Grow..!

    You need at least 100W for the first plant and 50w for every plant after that, With CFL's, you've gotta keep 'em close to the plant too. Like 2" away MAX. You want daylight (6500k) cfl's for veg and warm white (2700k) for flower. Unless you step it up to about 400w and invest in some good...
  17. MrJones86

    Bottom leaves turning yellow and browning

    To touch a little more on the Mag deficiency, you can offset it by adding 1/4 tsp of epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) every other watering. I learned that lesson (along with many others) on my first grow.
  18. MrJones86

    How are they looking????? +rep for advice..

    With the linear flouros, you can't get too close. I had a plant who's leaves were literally touching my 4' T8 lamps and they didn't even get crispy. Your lights should be within' at least 2" of your plants. If your W numbers are actual watts the it's plenty enough light, you just need to get it...
  19. MrJones86

    First time grower. Enough light?? Takes care of light and smell in one package. Or you could build a light trap. Here's a ghetto looking video I stumbled across a while back when I was going to do a micro grow...
  20. MrJones86

    Light experts?? I could use a little push in the right direction.

    Since you've turned them sideways, I'd make sure that you're bulbs DO NOT have a "BU" (base up) anywhere in their part number (should be printed on the bulb ) If they DO have a "BU" in the number and you leave them horizontal it will greatly lessen the life of the bulb and the bulb may actually...