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  1. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    *Minor Update* So, I got impatient and "ghetto rigged" that ballast I have and a lamp socket to test it out.... and it worked great !!! Lamp fired up and got bright within a few seconds ! So for flowering I'll be keeping 5 CFL's @ 147W total, scrapping my 4' 2x F32t8 shop light, and adding 1x...
  2. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Just keep reading threads in the CFL section and try googling a bit on ""micro growing". Keep your lights 1-2" from your plants and go 12/12 from seed since you have such a small place. Also, look into LST and SCROG. This site gave me a huge first step into my grow and I hope to show off a great...
  3. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    I'm about to redo my light arrangement if I can get my 150w HPS to work. Busy weekend though, so I might not know 'til Monday if I'll have it for this grow.
  4. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Yeah, she was a bit stretched in the beginning, but she's turning out nicely now. Only a few more days 'til I switch to 12/12 !!!
  5. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    I'd say 3" from the 1st node. But she's about 10" wide all the way around now.
  6. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Day 28 Pics: Growth really seems to have taken off since I topped and the roots are getting nice and submerged in the water. When I topped 5 days ago... Now...
  7. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Thanks man. Money is tight, but like I said I may have lucked into a 150w HPS. If the light will work I will be adding it when I start to flower next week.
  8. MrJones86

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    It's perlite covered on top by aquarium gravel. It's a 5 gallon DWC bubbler... so unless it's not bubbling quite enough I'm not sure what to do about that.
  9. MrJones86

    Dwc Grow Club

    Well, here's my DWC grow. It's still only about a month in and with CFL's so far... but you'll see my ghetto homemade 5 gallon DWC bucket :)
  10. MrJones86

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Thanks for this tutorial man. I topped my plant about 4 days ago and am totally happy with the results I've seen so far. Before... After
  11. MrJones86

    120 watts of CFL=Success

    32 - 42w are supposed to be the most efficient CFL's anyways. I'm growing with 2 x F32T8's 6500k, 2 x 32w 2700k CFL's, 1 x 42w 5000k CFL, 1 x 11w (lol, it's what I had lying there) 2700k U shaped CFL, and 1 x 15w 5000k R30 style CFL. This is my girl 27 days in. WW fem seed. You should check...
  12. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Day 27 Pics: Almost 4 weeks from seed and she's about 8 1/2" wide x 4 1/4" tall after topping at the second true node. Props to UB for the topping tutorial on here. I may have lucked into a 150w HPS, so my setup may be drastically altered by the time I start to flower. I've got a used...
  13. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Day 24 & 26 Pics: So, I chopped her 2 days ago above the 2nd true node. Now I have 4 main stems growing and I might start flowering Monday or Tuesday. Day 24: Day 26:
  14. MrJones86

    rec. a good magnetic ballast You'll need a little electrical know how to wire those bad boys up though.
  15. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Day 23 Pics: These are taken in the evening, so the plant is drooping like it usually does at this time of day/light schedule. I'm going to LST before topping her for a clone. Dont know if it's completly necessary, but Id like to get some more development in the lower branches before I split...
  16. MrJones86

    Will this CFL fit in this socket???

    No sir, it won't. The socket is candelabra (small base) and the bulb is mogul (same base as HID lights). It would be like an Elephant trying to fuck a cat.
  17. MrJones86

    Will a 5000k bulb do ok for vegging?

    Been working just fine for me so far. I think the spectrum you want to go for is 5000-6500k for veg and 2700-3000k for flowering. Everything in between 3000 and 5000 seems to be less of a useful spectrum for the plant.
  18. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Day 22 Pics: I took these around 5-6 o' clock today, when the leaves are perked up more. Leaf tips are pointing down, which I'm pretty sure is a sign of stress... but I don't know what could be stressing the plant. All the variables have been the same, within reason, the whole grow so far...
  19. MrJones86

    Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)

    Day 21 Pics: Mmmm, I love how even when it's still this small you can put your nose up close and breath in a little of MJ's fine perfume.
  20. MrJones86

    where to buy muti-bulb socket??

    No prob man. Glad I could help.