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  1. D

    When starting to flower where do i want to add my dark period at?

    When you're ready, let your lights go off at 10h30... then leave them off until 20h00 the next day. This will ensure that you don't get a funky 'short' day in the middle of the changeover, which means less stress for your girls. It will also give them a long dark period before the switch to...
  2. D

    calmag + rainwater

    Thanks for the quick replies ! My tap water is around 200 - 250 ppm and I haven't had any problems so far, but I assumed that rainwater would be better as I keep reading about harmful metals in tap water etc.
  3. D

    calmag + rainwater

    Hi everyone, I know that water hardness is measured by the amount of dissolved minerals in the water, and that the more calcium / magnesium there is the harder the water. I have about a 2 years supply of various nutes all made for hardwater use, but I now have access to rainwater, which comes...
  4. D

    Seedling Ppm Confusion

    It's hard to put a definition on these things because every plant you grow is unique and so is every grower's skill level. Some people start to flower a few days after sprouting without problems and others veg for 6 weeks or longer. I've been told the seedling is in veg stage once it develops...
  5. D

    Seedling Ppm Confusion

    Just water IS fine for initial seedling growth - a seedling will supply it's own food for the first few weeks through its cotyledons (the very first set of 'leaves' you see when your seed finally sprouts) 300ppm is ok for germinating seeds though personally i'd shoot for lower than that -...
  6. D

    Light change during veg

    Thanks for your replies, so I think that as long as there is growth I won't fiddle. By dual spectrum I take it you mean a HPS that puts out at around 4000k ? My HPS is 2100k and my new MH is 6400k.
  7. D

    Light change during veg

    (copypasta from another post in the newbie thread) I have a question regarding light changes during veg... I started an indoor grow, 400w HPS / top-drip hydro system using hydroton / GHE 3-part nutes, etc. and I have about 2 weeks of veg left. I started vegging under HPS because that's all I...
  8. D

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello RIU ! I'm a new member to the forums, though no stranger to them ! Kudos to all members who have contributed meaningful information - I can honestly say you all have saved my grow more than a few times! I have a question regarding light changes during veg... I started an indoor grow...