Search results

  1. ganjustice

    Something sexually I want to fulfill before I die is...

    Spread my seed all over the world so I can start my own empire and half of the world will be related to me one way. oh wait.
  2. ganjustice

    are ouija boards worth me wasting my time?

    I'd say the non-believers that have never done it should do it...experiment with it post a video.
  3. ganjustice

    How To Make A Bag Look Bigger?

    should told them it's 20ea for 1/2 a G then cop the 1/8 give them 2g worth then keep the rest.....common man cutting weed with other shit? seriously?..amateur!
  4. ganjustice

    Banned from Grasscity...

    Yeah that's GC basically...
  5. ganjustice

    Shroomery in Hawaii

    Looking for people that know the spots here, not the identification of psilocybin.
  6. ganjustice

    Shroomery in Hawaii

    Oh really please explain the obvious.
  7. ganjustice

    Sleep - How much is enough?

    There's never enough...24hrs a day 7 days a week bby
  8. ganjustice


    Man I love cheese in ham sandwiches over some tacos, blue cheese goes well with some hot wings..
  9. ganjustice

    Banned from Grasscity...

    you don't say?...... But hopefully theres no mods/admins that get butt hurt and abuse there power.
  10. ganjustice

    Shroomery in Hawaii

    Has any one gone hunting for shrooms in hawaii? Oahu to be specific?
  11. ganjustice

    Wassup mon where from bulleh?

    Wassup mon where from bulleh?
  12. ganjustice

    Roots, Reggae Selection
  13. ganjustice

    Roots, Reggae Selection
  14. ganjustice

    Roots, Reggae Selection

    Post up your crucial reggae tunes for herbal meditation...
  15. ganjustice

    What Are You Listening To? index=1&feature=plpp_video
  16. ganjustice

    Banned from Grasscity...

    I might have a clue...might be cause I was doggin some of the members there that posted stupid threads...But other than that no warning received....Fuckn nazi's running that place I mean if they're gonna make it 18 plus then they can handle a sarcastic statement...
  17. ganjustice

    Rate the song above yoiu (All Genres)
  18. ganjustice

    are ouija boards worth me wasting my time?

    It's a gate way to the underworld...feel free if you don't mind getting possessed by demons. Stick to the nitrous and weed brah.
  19. ganjustice

    Banned from Grasscity...

    For what idk, Maybe because the Mods love baby sitting little kids and can't handle a sense of humor...whatevs.