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  1. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    These are 30s i have other plants in 30s that are gonna be 2 pounders im just ask for an estimate what would someone get if these were to flip and begin it's strech ect ect.
  2. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    If i were to let these flowers xould i expect 10 to 12 ounces per? Dry of course.
  3. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    Im praying to get atleast two per. This is my first time in going in pot's. Im loving it!
  4. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    The black ones are 30s and the tan are 100's
  5. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

  6. curt caine

    Planting 2 marijuana plants together? Is it possible?

    Why limit your yield?
  7. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    Trying to wont let them flower until I can pull at least half a P off the smaller ones.
  8. curt caine

    I thought summer started june 21.

    I'm trying to figure our hiw to turn these smaller ones into pound plants!
  9. curt caine

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    Cali outdoor garden
  10. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    Praying for 2 pounds a plant expecting a little over 1..
  11. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

  12. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

  13. curt caine

    Hydroponics outdoor on totes

    O yeah baby
  14. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

  15. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    What do you expect to yield off your 30s
  16. curt caine

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    What's do you expect to yield off your 30s?
  17. curt caine

    How BIG will they Get!?

    Hoping to yeild 2 per plant expecting a lik under a P. In northern California
  18. curt caine

    issues with early flower in southern cal

    Its happened to me a few times I was very disappointed. Get some new girls and cut some clones off those thots.