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  1. shand

    stealth CMH grow

    I love the hydro system and those roots look great. Do you have any pics of how your system is put together / works ?
  2. shand

    Shand's Closet LED Grow

    I thought this was kind of cool, side-by-side pictures of the ladies taken 1 day apart ~ Kind of nice to have photographic evidence that they are growing and not having to rely on my (somewhat fried) short-term memory..:bigjoint:
  3. shand

    KUSH GROW, 1000 watt HPS, 2 Gallon Pots, Canna Coco, Grow Tent

    Looking very luscious in there with the lights off, glad to be subbed to your new thread :D
  4. shand

    Shand's Closet LED Grow

    Here we are a day or two before the transplant: Kannabia Special: Kannabia La Blanca: And now 2 days after that, into the new pots this is what I've got going on in here.. (a bit of overkill on the fan and lights for now..): I picked up the speed controller thing to control my exhaust...
  5. shand

    My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed

    Here's looking forward to wednesday, are you going to be training them anymore after that?
  6. shand

    Shand's Closet LED Grow

    So I just transplanted into the bigger pots. The roots had totally taken over the dixie cups and in fact had begun to shoot through them. I suppose that's lesson learned on why to use plastic cups instead of paper..
  7. shand

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    They look delicious and the yield looks decent too
  8. shand

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    ROFL This made me laugh out loud! Sounds like you have some good luck right now you should buy a lotto ticket! :P Subbed for sure!
  9. shand

    My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed

    I'm subbed, can't wait to see those monsters in flower!
  10. shand

    24/hour light in veg is it good or should I 18/6?

    yes, exactly. I'm sure nobody is saying plants are completely dormant in the dark period because that is just ridiculous. Whether plants NEED a dark period or not, however, is a different matter.
  11. shand

    24/hour light in veg is it good or should I 18/6?

    I think a distinction between 'sleeping' and 'behaves differently in the dark' needs to be made
  12. shand

    Who else smokes on a daily basis?

    Of course every day fo sho But its always nice to take a break every once in a while Usually ends up being 1 month every year or two
  13. shand

    Drugged: High On Marijuana. On National Geographic

    The only time I would put tobacco in my joint is if it wont burn right without it And I havent done that since I lived back East
  14. shand

    Grape Ape & Green Crack ( 1st grow )

    Your setup looks pretty similar to mine. I think the tent is exactly the same. Do you find you have a lot of light leaks around the zippers especially? I like the format of the door but I wish I had gone with one with at least the flaps over the zippers if not a Secret Jardin cadillac model
  15. shand

    Shand's Closet LED Grow

    Just wanted to do a quick update here So my little plants were not growing fast enough for my noob self under the t5 so I decided to throw them to the lions under the LEDs. Growth definitely seems to have sped up, however, that may be because I have been really busy lately so haven't had as...
  16. shand

    1st Grow - LED Mini Cool Cab meet Jack Herer

    haha it's a jungle in there!
  17. shand

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit dunit BATMAN
  18. shand

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    dunit's back! is it chopping time now?? you have my sword.. and my AXE
  19. shand

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    Aww! Haha.. I was looking forward to a Thursday harvest :P Can't wait to see it!
  20. shand

    Shand's Closet LED Grow

    Glad to have you guys in here! I edited the post to include a little bit more information. I will be growing Barney's Farm G13 Haze the seeds for which I have I may also be getting some "Blue Kush" clones some time soon. The light is the 357 Magnum which I just received a couple days ago. It's...