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  1. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    Hello Mr. CobKits! Pleasure to have you in the debate. I think you’re just the person I was waiting for to drop in and share his knowledge. I have 2 side by side hyper dialed in 8’ x 12’ rooms with 18-20 gallon Rubbermaid Brute DWC bins bubbling away. 6-600 watt hps in each. 8.5 months of the...
  2. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    Awesome!! I really need another wormhole to fall into. I'm an OCD nut and I recently wired everything I could possibly wire in my existing grow and I was starting to get bored with nothing to wrap my mind around. But theres always room for improvement. I'm gonna be very busy trimming as soon as...
  3. H

    Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

    Ok. At least you're not unhinged and lend some humor to your argument (deadly microbes..HA!). To be honest, If I were black I would not like it one bit if whites mentioned any statistics to put people of my color in a negative light or even supported any of the statistics that go with it for...
  4. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    I hope you're right. After looking at all these super sized grow ops in Colorado and Nevada outfitted with a multitude of LED's it makes me wonder. To go so big with a particular method it must have it's advantages. Recently retrofitted all the lighting throughout the multi billion dollar...
  5. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    I haven't looked into it yet, but these HLG 550's are 510 watts total ? The 600 watt hps is more in the neighborhood of around 650-660 watts with the heat losses from the ballast core so 510 watts for the same performance would be a....(get ready for the banal)... game changer. I'll compare...
  6. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    Yes, 6-600 watt hps in one room with the lumen equivalent of LED in the other.
  7. H

    Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

    Facts are not hatred. Adding to the statistics would be hatred. How did you not notice that I inserted myself into the argument to mention how foolish it was for the OP to bring up the subject in the first place? In other words, my stance was obviously neutral. I didn't deny the stats but also...
  8. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    Agreed. I stand corrected. Let's go lumen for lumen.
  9. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    I'd rather conduct the experiment on a "production" scale. 1 x 600 would only be lab scale. A pilot plant, no pun intended.
  10. H

    Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

    Why would you expect to be taken seriously with unhinged hatred? Why bother posting the way you do?
  11. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    Excellent. Thanks for the info. To be honest, I would love it if the LED's worked out better. Give me a few days to decide what configuration would work best but I'm going to be aiming for using the same amount of watts to see if I get the same yield for the same watts. I'll run my ideas (for...
  12. H

    RDWC without air pumps?

    Yes! The air pumps can cool the water (and certainly do) and I'll tell you how they cool my water. The air creates a vertical up/down dynamic of water current which makes the water circulate against the underside of the bin. That bin is not directly on the basement floor but close to it. That...
  13. H

    Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

    Mentioning facts is not racist. Facts are not racist. Although, proposing that racist whites be killed is an example of spewed racism, exactly what you accused me of doing, but did not. In fact, I was trying to point out the pointlessness of even mentioning those facts because it does not help...
  14. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    How should I custom build these LED's? Did I mention that I'm a Master Electrician?
  15. H

    Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

    Its got nothing to do with the US. Blacks make up most of the homicides on planet earth. Not just in the US. Just use the search engines to confirm that. Facts aren't racist. Although, theres no point in mentioning it. Its not gonna make race relations any better or lower the homicide rate.
  16. H

    LED Thread regarding stalk weight difference between LED & HPS

    I have 2 identical side by side rooms of 6-600w(3600 in one room and 3600 in the other next to it) HPS batwings over 18-20gal(36 bins total) rubbermaid dwc bins with 2-8" air stones bubbling in each bin (15 gallons in each because Krusty said so). All the air flow is metered so I can see the...
  17. H

    Rdwc help!!

    Use RO water. .6 ec for new seedlings for the first 2 weeks (GH lucas or equivalent) and 1.2 ec for the next 2 weeks. I veg for 4 weeks in 4 gallon square buckets with a 4" round air stone that puts out roughly 4.5 lpm of carbon scrubbed air . No pipes connecting the buckets. Just air stones.But...
  18. H

    1700cfm 4.1 amp 12" online fan speed controller?

    VFD’s work but always eventually break. When will they break? 5 yrs? 10yrs? Maybe less time? It’s hard to predict when but instead of fan speed control I use multiple carbon fan/filter sets in conjunction with inlet dampers. There are different combinations of fans turned on according to the...
  19. H

    Looking to up my bubble game!

    Not offended at all just amazed that you cannot believe that a DWC container needs no checking whatsoever with automation. The secret to making it work is a special level sensor in each container that is failure proof no matter what. That is the only thing I will never tell you. I will never...
  20. H

    Looking to up my bubble game!

    So, not doing water changes or topoff (automatically done) is more work in your reasoning? Tell me, what color is the sky in your world? All of your pH checking, manual water changes and manual top offs are work...a lot for that matter. I do not do this work. You do. Therefore your system is far...