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  1. MariJesus

    will this matter much ?

    If you are planning on doing a straight grow, no LST, SCROG, etc, I would wait a few days and transplant again. If you are planning on doing LST/SCROG, then it is in the perfect place, and I would begin after about a week or so, to allow the root system to firmly grasp into it's new medium.
  2. MariJesus

    Sensi grow & bloom question

    I am currently using Sensi Grow and Bloom as well, I have been doing, Feed (wait 2 days) Water (wait 3 days) water (wait 2 days), repeat. When I feed (Sensi Grow for veg) I also add in B-52, and Voodoo Juice.
  3. MariJesus

    will this matter much ?

    Be more descriptive, did the plants shift after transplanting, or was it just a bad transplant job? It's not really a good thing for your plant to be at the edge of the pot versus center, because you are going to stunt root development. If it can't be pulled center using a brace, I would uproot...
  4. MariJesus

    Is my filter too strong?

    I have a 440CFM Fan on a 6" Carbon Filter, my room is 2x4x8, so I have 64cu/ft in the room, so it is currently circulating the air in the room 7x a minute. Is this too much? Should I buy a speed regulator for the fan? Or will I be fine with that amount of circulation?
  5. MariJesus

    Fox Farm Ocean Forrest + Advanced Nutrients. Is it safe to mix?

    Awesome! Great to know! I will have to get some perlite to add to the mix.
  6. MariJesus

    To Scrog or Not to Scrog

    I would continue with LST as you are doing. As I said above, don't trigger too early or you risk hermies, and then your crop becomes worthless.
  7. MariJesus

    Fox Farm Ocean Forrest + Advanced Nutrients. Is it safe to mix?

    Well I know giving any plant too much nutrients will harm them. It's not whether or not I am giving it too much nutes, it's whether it would be wise to even bother with my AN line until the start of flowering.
  8. MariJesus

    To Scrog or Not to Scrog

    Also, if you are worried about plant height, you can begin LST on your plants, which will help with SCROG when you finally do flower. This personally I believe would be the best method. Start training LST on them now, while they are still vegging, then at first signs of sex, pull the males, and...
  9. MariJesus

    To Scrog or Not to Scrog

    I would not force flower so early, due to the fact you could stress the plants into becoming hermies. I would wait until first signs of sex before switching to flower, and then SCROG it up.
  10. MariJesus

    Fox Farm Ocean Forrest + Advanced Nutrients. Is it safe to mix?

    Hello, I just recently purchased the Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil, and as I'm aware, it is supposed to have nutrients already inside the soil. Does anyone have experience in mixing this soil with Advanced Nutrients products? Will the plant experience chemical burn, or lockout in anyway?
  11. MariJesus

    I haven't had much time to set up my profile. Will update everything when I get around to it. :p

    I haven't had much time to set up my profile. Will update everything when I get around to it. :p
  12. MariJesus

    Good ph meter/price?

    Wow!! $130 for a pH meter? No way dude, you can get just your regular run of the mill paper strips, or if you really want it digital go to home depot and spend $10 on a digital pH meter. Most are 3-in-1's which tell you soil moisture levels, pH, and ppM.
  13. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    Gotcha! That's not a bad idea! 30 Plants that's a lot! So you're getting roughly 150W per plant, which is where I'm at with my one. How long do you typically veg for, and what's your average yield? Also what kind of plants do you typically grow? (Auto's or Regular Indica/Sativa)
  14. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    Looks great! You're up in the size I eventually want to get to. Are you SCROGing/SOGing? [/COLOR] I was thinking of doing a 50/50 Soil/Perlite, but every time I see Perlite used in application to this is usually in hydro. Eventually I would like to have a liquid feed drip system set up, but...
  15. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    Lol, yeah, that was the last bit of soil I had left, gotta go get more, but didn't want to waste it in that pot, I figured I would save it for when I transplanted into the larger container :)
  16. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    I've also been noticing a little bit of an issue with drainage on the ceramic, but unfortunately its the largest pot I have available other than some 440mL plastic planters, which I figured would be a little small for root development. I'm hoping to transplant into a 5 gallon planter sometime...
  17. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    Well I guess when I ask for "advice" it's more like a "hey, take a look at this, do you see anything I should change in anyway, that is possible to be changed, or does everything seem like it should be fine?" :). But yes, that's pretty much what I was looking for.
  18. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    Lol there's a question both in the title of the post and the original post :), Just want a general idea on how others think she is doing for 2 weeks! This is my first grow :)
  19. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    Cmon guys, 150 views no replies? Need some advice here! Thanks!
  20. MariJesus

    2 Weeks Old, Under 150W, How's she looking?

    The room, is 2x4x8. Mylar coating in the room at 2x4x6, 440CFM Inline Carbon filter, 2 humidifiers (one cool, one hot) ionizer (being used as a tower fan). Nutrients are Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A&B, Sensi Bloom A&B, and the Hobbyist Level Kit. 2 weeks old bag seed, she is currently 5 1/4"...