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  1. darknemesis05

    Beginning Flowering Today CFL Question.

    nice plants! hard to see though pics are small
  2. darknemesis05

    first grow, budget grow box - grow log from zero to 420

    dont dispose it though you should make cannabutter off of it
  3. darknemesis05

    first grow, budget grow box - grow log from zero to 420

    you got yourself a male on the last pic, you can see the one ball to the right
  4. darknemesis05

    New England Low-Budget CFL Cabinet Grow

    you need a stronger fan for your plant so it can develop a strong stem
  5. darknemesis05

    How big of a yeild should i expect from 3-4 cfls

    nutrients play a role on yeild
  6. darknemesis05

    white widdow only 1 ft tall but bushy 6 weeks so far

    ya i wouldnt worry about the height it gets taller when you flower anyways
  7. darknemesis05

    Switchin to 12/12 need help

    dont use nutes 2 weeks prior to harvest, straight water. if you dont know the difrrence in lights the one you should be using for flowering should have a orangy hue and doesnt give off alot of light as to mimic the shorter days
  8. darknemesis05

    Mylar/Foylon vs Aluminum Foil *Title Fight*

    i stick with mylar
  9. darknemesis05

    noob question

    definately agree with rich kid too many people throw away their males
  10. darknemesis05

    anyne ever smoked "overripe" buds

    this thread has many interesting points, i wish there was a definitive answer on when to harvest.the u.s government needs to fund marijuana research!
  11. darknemesis05

    First CFL Grow - Help appreciated

    pic 7 should be in a hightimes magazine
  12. darknemesis05

    WTF, am i gonna lose all3?

    i say you dont have adequate airflow, the plant looks like its been through heat damage i dont know wether you could save them but i would continue trying to save them. If you dont have a fan get one now
  13. darknemesis05

    New grow bagseed

    cant wait to see the final product
  14. darknemesis05

    First CFL Grow (1st day flowering) - Closet - PICS!!!!

    female plants tend to go hermie when they are stressed so keep that in mind when you experiment, I cant wait to see the final product Hope you get a good yeild!
  15. darknemesis05

    I'll never be able to grow :'(

    my friend you could grow a tiny plant to fufill your need to grow herbage a little 16oz party cup and the right location and your set
  16. darknemesis05

    what did i do anyone know(PICS)

    its the hps, use cfl when they sprout to prevent heat stress
  17. darknemesis05

    12/12 From Seed 2nd Grow

    nice plants!, im planning to do 12/12 after 2 weeks of vegging