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  1. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Amen bro, keping it simple is the way to go! i learned/learning the hard way.... yeh my bad, was a typo, but you got so much bush going on could very well be two plants. Have you checked out Pukka buds canna grow? makes for interesting reading... thats what inspired me to shove the runt in some...
  2. Budluvin

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    Hey PB subbed for your grow, really interested like most of us to see how them airpots work out, seen em before but only in the movies lol. Got the Rhizo ordered like you and Wow said. Big up to the UK growers!:clap:
  3. Budluvin

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    right got the Rhizo Ordered, a wopping £7.99 from ebay worth every dam penny from the sound of it. Thanks guys. Roll on grow 2 PB, and thanks for the rep dude!
  4. Budluvin

    Bubba kush stopped growing

    hey man, dont worry about the little cotelydon leaves underneath falling off, they are meant to. I experienced some slow ass growth in my early stages and it was all down to bad use of nutes, however it all depends on you set up. I am mostly growing hydro but if your provide some more info other...
  5. Budluvin

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Laughing my ass off man:bigjoint:, Fishes Vag..... awesome. Thanks for the info man, al get me some ordered asap
  6. Budluvin

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Its awesome, it totally revived one of my plants that was dying and a total runt, it is now so green and healthy lookin:leaf:. Its the pro i am using, this pic shows the complete kit that i got, the only thing that i see you were using that didnt come in the kit is the Rhiz??? does it make a...
  7. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Thanks for dropping in on my grow man, updated some more pics today. Your plants are just getting bushier by the second:weed:. No probs about the comment, its the closest thing av seen to scotty balls grow so far, and even the great balls man himself couldnt offer any further advice apart from...
  8. Budluvin

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Hey Pukka your grow and your final results have been really awesome! Very happy for you :-o Just wanted to let you know you have inspred me to try and grow using canna coco too, got myself a complete starter kit of ebay for £30 odds. So doing one plant hydro and one coco to see how it goes. Much...
  9. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Hey man Im BACK! and god your baby is looking damn fine:weed: on those last pics i swear i was looking into scottyballs cab, thick and bushy, amazing weaving= v. jealous my friend. You said about it being a learning curve and it certainly has been for me already and i am still so FAR. I took...
  10. Budluvin

    Problem with seedlings

    My bad, just trying to help out a fellow newb and answer questions thouroughly, i had a very similar problem when i started and it sounds like a humidity issue.
  11. Budluvin

    Hey Everybody

    Hi Kevin Welcome to RIU!:-o Well feeling a little overwhelmed with knowledge is easy to understand! I would personally set up all you grow room and all your equipment then but your seeds.. the first and most important step you need to decide is what way do you want to grow them? in soil, in...
  12. Budluvin

    Problem with seedlings

    o.k kl, well it sounds like what was happening to me when i started from seed with my 400HPS, and yours is much stronger!:wall:. Even though your babies can have plenty of water throgh the soil, the air can be really dry giving that crispy effect to there leaves and that wilted appearence...
  13. Budluvin

    Problem with seedlings

    hey man, i dont grow soil but am going to try and give you some advice. Well for starts in your first pic, you cotelydon leaves look brown and crispy, my babies are about three weeks old and are only just thinking about loosing there baby leaves.:-? If you could take another pic to show the...
  14. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Looking nice man, cant wait to see her grow!
  15. Budluvin

    How is my plant looking so far?

    Your plant is looking good,:mrgreen: its still growing so dont worry about the leaves being close together they will stretch out. my plants are only about 3 weeks old as well, check out the link in my signature to have a look at the pics in my grow journal. I would say one is a similar sixe to...
  16. Budluvin

    Computer Fan Questions

    Hey man, i have just set up a 12 v fan in my grow space. if you click on the link in my signature it will take you to my grow journal, shows you exactly how to do it and there is a link to a you tube video. If it is a 12V fan, it should work on 5V but it will be pretty slow... it will work best...
  17. Budluvin

    fan wiring help please.

    Nice one man, thanks for the link!
  18. Budluvin

    G13 Pineapple Express and UFO Skunk #1 from Attitude. First Time Hydroponics Grow

    Hey man glad to see you have got things under control now, loooking good. Just to let you know i am sure it is best to adjust your PH EVERYDAY!, you mentioned that you will adjust it down after your res change and then it will rise during the week. Yeh its good to let them get a range of PH but...
  19. Budluvin

    HELP NEEDED - Grow Room Design Ideas

    Hey man, i am a bit of a newb too, but my grow is under way but on a much smaller scale but also hydro, so hear it a few litle suggestions. Like the last guy said Danielsgb, you need to decide how big your areas are going to be for your lights, i.e square foot to lumens etc and divide the...
  20. Budluvin

    fan wiring help please.

    Hey man, i have just done something similar myself, check out my journal ( in my signature) , lots of pics and a link to a you tube instruction video..