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  1. S

    Major Plant Problems!!! HAVE PICS HELP PLS

    So heres the deal. I am on my second grow and have 8 plants 2 sativas 6 indicas. Today I decided it was ready for flowering. I read a few places that using multiple lights in a grow room is ok so I setup a 600 watt and 400 watt. There is plenty of room in the closest and am thinking this may be...
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    Buyer Beware: Northwest Glass Art/Dodo Glass

    Here she is, ended up being 110 shipped
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    The Greatest Tokin' Music

    Ratatat is the way to go
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    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    2 caterpillars in a quarter of some grand daddy purple
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    homemade grow cabinet need light help (pics)

    I think a 400w would be your best bet. I used a 400w(not air cooled) in a 4' x 2' (8' high) closet and maintained a good temperature. A 600 would be a bit overkill and you would have to fight off the plants from bulging out of that box. How many ladies are goin in?
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    Buyer Beware: Northwest Glass Art/Dodo Glass

    Just placed an order with Dodo for a 18 inch single perc bong and a ash catcher. Got my confirmation email instantly, so good so far. Order placed Dec 2nd
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    Bug problem!!! Have PICS please HELP!!!

    I have beautiful plants. 3 Sour bubble and 5 Blue dreams. They all are growing wonderful and look great. I ended up getting a mite problem and not catching it early and it spread fast. So now one of my plants is currently turning yellow. The tips of the leaves are slowly curling over and turning...
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    Well let me break it down for you!!! BUGS BAD!!!!

    I have beautiful plants. 3 Sour bubble and 5 Blue dreams. They all are growing wonderful and look great. I ended up getting a mite problem and not catching it early and it spread fast. So now one of my plants is currently turning yellow. The tips of the leaves are slowly curling over and turning...
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    Spider Mites Oh sheesh Help!

    So I am currently on the third week of flowering and wasnt paying attention and now I find that my plants are infested with spider mites. I was wondering if anyone has any idea of what to do seeing as I dont want to get the buds moldy of any sort. Someone pls help me :-D thanks.......
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    Trimming and growing ideas?PICS

    Two different strands, blue dream and sour bubble. The blue dream is a hybrid that is sativa dominant. I believe the sour bubble is indica dominant
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    Trimming and growing ideas?PICS

    The dimensions of the room are 2' x 4' and 6' high.
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    Trimming and growing ideas?PICS

    I am about one month into the growing stage and am seeing that the plants are getting a little cramped and am wondering if there is a way I can either trim them down or shape the growing angle so I don't lose flowering ability.??? Check out the pics and let me know if anyone has ideas or...
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    should i start using nutrients? check the pics!

    I started my plants from clones, i have three sour bubbles and five blue dreams. They have been growing for 2 weeks since they have been transplanted. the type of soil is foxfarm organic soil ocean forest. I was wondering if it was time to start adding some nutrients? I have organic iguana...
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    Wait till you see them guys!!

    So i started growing not to long ago. Its going well the plants just got over the shock from being moved and they are looking beautiful. I have 5 blue dreams and 3 sour bubbles going. the blue dreams are really a growers best friend. They look like these tiny bushes just waiting to explode...
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    Need help with soil!!!!!

    Currently the soil I am using is fox farm potting soil and is organic and supposedly a top soil product. I am wondering how long plants can go in this type of soil with sufficient nutrients before we have to put nutrients in ourself?!!!!?!!!!?:roll:
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    Help with Nutes?

    So i have had about 8 plants for 2 weeks now they are about a foot and a half give or take alittle, and I was wondering when I should start giving them nutrients for the growing stage? let me know ppl thanks
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    Adding co2

    im looking to add a co2 setup to my small grow closet (2 x 4). Looking to spend under 200. any suggestions?
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    Proper PH level?

    So I am new to growing yes of course and am wondering what a proper PH level is and what exaclty PH is used for or in? If someone doesnt mind answering a noobs question id appreciate it thanks :weed:
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    How much will they yield guys?

    I have a 5 blue dreams and 3 sour bubbles if anyone had grown these or knows much about them, I would like to know the average amount of smokable marijuana they should yield when grown indoors?
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    Nutrient Help!

    So heres how it goes. I just recently started growing and have 5 blue dreams and 3 sour bubble. I was told if grown together properly they will be fine. So my question now is when should I start giving them my nutrients if they were only planted from clones 5 days ago? the nutrients i am using...