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  1. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics
  2. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    I need a microscope. I found this one at radio shack for $12.09. Do any of you think this would work ok? Its 60-100x Any help would be great!!!
  3. wingman12

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    that looks good. We had some showers with sun this weekend but its going to be nice all week. At least you can put something up. mine look great i just hope it doesn't start to dump rain for days. Good luck!
  4. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    Here are some pics from today. We have been getting some rain with sun this weekend but its still warm. Flowers are looking awesome since 4 days ago. I might add some more guano next weekend. Going to be in the low to mid 80's all week. I haven't been so pumped on anything in a long time! I just...
  5. wingman12

    Taste Question

    Here is the sweet I'm new to growing but I like all these products. Many experienced growers have recommended this line. Mine are flowering outdoors now and are crazy healthy. Now im using liquid karma, sweet...
  6. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    I just asked my buddy and he said the strain was called queen. Anyone know anything about it??
  7. wingman12

    first grow/organic

    Im on my first grow and I use to botanicare line. Im impressed, my girls have been so happy with it. I also used some bat guano and they loved it in flowering. My harvest will be in 4 weeks or so. Here is a link to roots organics soils. I used the 707 and the regular soil and I cant complain...
  8. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    I want to put mine out next year late April to start of may. My largest was started the first couple days of June it was small. I want to start them indoors for a month or 2 before they go outside. They would be huge by now and my largest is at 6 ft right now! Also I would start using a lot more...
  9. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    Thanks im so pumped on what I have so far. Next year I have better plan to get them started sooner in the year with a bigger holes with the same soil.
  10. wingman12

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    Nice pics looking good. I just posted some pics and they look in the same stage as yours. You get a little more rain then we do down here I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us. I hope the weather stays nice and warm for another month.
  11. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    Just got back from the mountain to water. The plants look awesome! I cant wait till harvest. They took off since I put 2 pounds of guano on them 3 days ago. They look so healthy I don't think anything could stand in there way. I just hope the weather lasts another month.The last pic is part of...
  12. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    I have checked your grow lookin great. Im down in the valley (go ducks!). Ive been using almost all the botanicare products and im impressed. I use them every water. I cant wait till next month. Ill update some good pics tomorrow. Flowers are looking great!!!
  13. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    thanks man!! i'm looking forward to tomorrow to see how that guano is kicking in. I'll take my good camera and take some good close ups of how nice they are getting.
  14. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    Took a couple pics today it was getting dark so only a few looked ok. Next time ill take my real camera and not just my cell. Yesterday I added some more good (Roots Organics) soil and mixed in a bag of Jamaican bat guano they seemed to love it in one day but I always say that every time I add...
  15. wingman12

    N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow

    Looking Great! Yeah mine just started to show flowers in the last couple weeks. About a month left I can wait!!!! Nice snake pics also
  16. wingman12

    BASE PIC Thread

    Not bad i'm happy with my first grow so far. this is the biggest one
  17. wingman12

    Who here uses Botanicare Products?? Outdoor?? Tips??

    Here is a link
  18. wingman12

    Who here uses Botanicare Products?? Outdoor?? Tips??

    Thanks for all the help!!! You can take a look at my thread to see how things are going. I'm very happy with my first grow so far.
  19. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    Thanks for the tip. This 707 is what I used on my biggest one that got started weeks before my other plants. On the others I used the regular soil from the same company on all the others. Here is a link to their site
  20. wingman12

    First Outdoor Grow 2009 NW w/pics

    As far as I know around here its the start to mid october. These still have a while to get bigger