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  1. L

    Wuts up im my plants?

    I am having roughly the same problem.. 3 weeks of growing and my plants are only like an 1" or 2" tall.. hopefully somone can explain why there is suck slow growth.
  2. L

    Starting hydroponics

    yes. my waterings are now like every 2 days. things look like they are taking right off now. Roots are looking like they are comming through the bottoms. I took a tds reading and it came out to 450 ppm for the nute strength. I guess i thought it would be easier to germinate under hydroponics...
  3. L

    Starting hydroponics

    ok so i am trying my hand at hydroponics. Picked up a producer for about 1/4 of the price :). anyways, i have gotten the plants to germinate nad they all have preflower leaves. sorry no pics but a couple of questions. since they are not on the automatic feed yet, about how many times a day...
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    Noise from a bloombox

    that doesnt sound bad at all.. but your using it as a soil grow. Thats cool.. well thanks for the info man. appriciate it.
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    Noise from a bloombox

    what kinda yeilds can one expect
  6. L

    Noise from a bloombox

    thanks man.. thats what im talking about.. so its a bit louder than a computer.. cool.. oh did you put things around or on top of it to kinda make it blend in more? does it do anything to the heat of things?/./ thanks again
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    Noise from a bloombox

    hey thanks man.. but apparently you didnt read the whole thing.. i dont want to build. I have the money and just wanted to know how noisey this box was.. thanks though
  8. L

    Noise from a bloombox

    Hey all.. question how loud is a bloombox? jet engine loud or pc computer loud? i have a chance to get one of these and was wondering about the noise factor. Yes I know it is expensive and i could just a easily build a box, but i already built one and would rather get something a little...
  9. L

    StEalth Grow Alternativez ?

    remember that the light will take up about a foot of that space.. then the pots that the plants are in will prolly take up 8 inches.. leaveing you with some small ass plants that wont bud much.
  10. L

    StEalth Grow Alternativez ?

    If you don't feel like spending 2k for something already built, i suggest you build your own then. Read the grow faq.. there are a few box designs that will help you out. happy growing
  11. L

    preflower in less than a week

    well i already killed the males so i cant do any pictures.. ill try to get some up of the others in a few more days
  12. L

    preflower in less than a week

    ok, i turned the lights over to 12/12 last thursday and 2 of my plants have shown definit signs of being males.. ill get pics if someone wants them. but is it normal to show signs of sex only after a few days? thanks..
  13. L

    New Setup W/pics Advice Please!!!

    change the water every 2 weeks try using a little less nutes when they are not that big. like 50% strength
  14. L

    1 gal pot = how much watering?

    wwell thanks anyways then.. I guess i'll just try it out and worst comes to worst, i fail and have to start all over. If anyone has any other ideas i am up for them. thanks again
  15. L

    1 gal pot = how much watering?

    well.. I would go read the damn faq but these topics are not covered. If they are then give me the specifics on where to find them please. Smokere- sorry man. you are growing under floresent. wouldnt that make it so you have more roots to deal with? The root ball has developed great. non of...
  16. L

    1 gal pot = how much watering?

    im not worried about having to tend to the plant everyday. Its downstairs from me. easy to get to. anything else?
  17. L

    1 gal pot = how much watering?

    ok then what are the implications. Other than more frequent watering what else. That is the only thing that i read. well that and root bound. anyone with a site to read or any info
  18. L

    1 gal pot = how much watering?

    oh and is it possible to flower along enough with 8 in 1 gal pots to determin sex or should i transplant before flowering. Oh and im not doing any cloning or mother plants this time around. thanks again
  19. L

    1 gal pot = how much watering?

    ok well i wasnt looking for people to sit there and call me a nube. so thanks to all of you that did. but reality is that this is my second grow and i have read everything i could possibly find.. hours upon hours upon hours. so simply put, if you want me to go read the growfaq, I already read it...
  20. L

    1 gal pot = how much watering?

    ok.. because right now I am feeding with about 1/2 liter of water for each plant. feed every other time. but consensus that i can flower when they are a foot tall and leave them in 1 gals until harvest?