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  1. H

    4 weeks into flowering bottom fan leaves are drooping

    Agreed with the low light you should take off some of the lower branches anyway they won't produce much because of the lack of light and as long as watering is not the issue i am sure it is a light situation ....lollipop them girls
  2. H

    I gotta a HERMI

    I don't kbow how to post pics off my phone and it is dark right now so i will try a little harder tomorrow to get some pics up
  3. H

    (PICS) HOW AM I DOING? week 6 flowering day 45 12/12

    And PH TO 6.3. To 6.8 .....stop all light leaks completely if you can't afford fixing the room right veg for 24/0 and fix it befor you flip 12/12
  4. H

    (PICS) HOW AM I DOING? week 6 flowering day 45 12/12

    Your supposed to grow in soil not hay yourself a favor start over learning from your mistakes and hope you do better next time..... although the one don't look bad......try a little feed....water .....water....feed next time
  5. H

    I gotta a HERMI

    I havnt inspected them all thourally but i pulled a pod off and there is a little seed in it .....not sure which one hermied. i have tan. dream...lemon skunk...blueberry...white shark....and red diesel .....any advice
  6. H

    Tangerine Dream questions

    Got some going now from a friend and he kept all of it and said it was wonderful .... he pulled at 8 weeks but said he should have went 9 ....mine just hermied at 4 weeks in
  7. H

    I gotta a HERMI

    I havnt found any plants that look hermi but i see seed pods on 7 of 12 which are mostly in the ctotches of branches ....they are 4 weeks into flower and great looking ...actually the best looking plants i have ever had....should i let them go to term or just harvest a couple weeks early ...
  8. H

    hermi plant 4 weeks into flower

    Anything i can do to save them .....there are a few pods on the branches and hardley any in the buds are they going to explode with seeda soon
  9. H

    Hermie plants, 21 days into flower...what to do?

    How did they turn out ....i am 4 weeks in and just noticed seed pods but no pollen sacs ...what should i do
  10. H

    Week 3 flower

    I use hot shot no pest strips and every now and again mighty wash but just to be safe the no pest strips are wonderful
  11. H

    anyone use floricious plus from BC nutrients ?

    I reciently switched to bc ...from foxfarm due to magnesium deficiencies and poor yield last grow ....just wanting some feedback
  12. H

    24_36 hours of darkness pre flower

    I wull just leave.them alone....thanks
  13. H

    24_36 hours of darkness pre flower

    My clones are from his we have.the same strans and it did help his for sure .....reason i didn't is just luke you said ....the sun don't turn off lol.....regardless it works
  14. H

    Need help with my lady's

    You can get a ph tester for 10 is a must have
  15. H

    Need help with my lady's

    Over water or humidity to high.....let your medium dry out completely beforw watering again ......bone dry won't kill them
  16. H

    24_36 hours of darkness pre flower

    His started flowering rather quickly and mine are just starting
  17. H

    24_36 hours of darkness pre flower

    My fruend turned his lights off for 36 hours to teiggwr flower and i didn't ....i am now about 1.5 weeks into flower should i do it now or not
  18. H

    using potash 0/0/62

    Just located a bag of KCL fertalizer 0/0/62 ....will the help or hurt me .....2 weeks into flower
  19. H

    Will a plant with root rot or that is locked up, drink if fed Foliarly?

    Don't know on that but since you mentioned root rot my clones have fuzz on them this morning.....i was going to put them in soil today but don't know what to do now....any advice?