Search results

  1. M

    The Truth About Flushing

    Make sure to post your results. Riddlem3.c*o*m is where the man is at now. However, I did not see any detail on the fermentation chamber. He might be saving it for his book...
  2. M

    Can we get an LED lighting subsection under Indoor Growing?

    make it happen already, RIU! How many times do we have to ask?!
  3. M

    Led Users Unite!

    Research posts by user "astroastro" in this very thread. You will learn a lot, I promise.
  4. M

    Led Users Unite!

    can you post (or PM) the links? I can't find any completed kessil grows.
  5. M

    Led Users Unite!

    That's $400 for 90W! And looks like the intensity drops off very quickly outside of 12x12" area. I think I'd rather have the GLH Spectra 100W for $280 and be able to cover 24x24". This Kessil H350 may be great, but I'll need to see a journal before I buy the most expensive low powered LED with...
  6. M

    Bubba Kush X OG Kush grow journal-(Greenthumb Seeds)

    Yep, looks good! How's the 12/1 veg schedule working out? And how many days from breaking ground now?
  7. M

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    For a 4x4, my choice would be 4x180W. My rationale is that 4x290W would likely yield more, but not 60% more (which is the additional wattage and heat to manage). 4x180 can cover a 4x4 pretty efficiently IMO.
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I'm in Canada, can't find it... I assumed "the not available in North America" was untrue since no one on this thread seems to have trouble finding it...
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    Led Users Unite!

    Pics or it didn't happen!!! ...nice one
  10. M

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Cool, thanks bond. It is a bit weird that there's no foaming this time. Anyway... into the rez it goes! BTW, I don't know where you guys get GO Ancient Forest. My shop told me that the GH/GO rep claims it is not available in America, let alone Canada.
  11. M

    Free Grow Software!

    Awesome! Looking forward to the updates.
  12. M

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    This is the third time I brew the tea. However, I do not have nearly the same frothing/foaming as I had my first two times in the bucket. Before I had like 1.5-2" of white/tan foam, now I just have bubbles from the bubbler. The bucket may have had some bleach residue, although I rinsed it quite...
  13. M

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    I vote for Canna Aqua Vega/Flora as the next nute showdown.
  14. M

    Free Grow Software!

    Upgrade 0.6.9-0.6.10 smooth on Win 7 64 bit. Good job! A couple of points for the Report tab, number of days section: 1. The dates that are not entered yet (ex: not yet harvested/cured) are defaulted 01/01/1901. I think it looks cleaner and more consistent if you leave those blank, as you have...
  15. M

    Led Users Unite!

    Tell us about this new mag+. When will it be available and how much will it cost? When is that LED VERT light that Grow Perfect was working on coming out? How much wattage and $$$? To be fair the kushes are not great yielders...
  16. M

    Dr Grubers G13 Grow Journal(Dr Greenthumb Seeds)

    Nice report and grow! Looks like doc's claim of "double your yield" is right on.
  17. M

    1600Kw vertical grow tent. Hybrid Aero/RDWC build.

    Cool, man. I hope it works out for you. You definitely will learn a lot! I would however, still suggest you go horizontal next time. Nevertheless, your plants look great and you are doing well!
  18. M

    1600Kw vertical grow tent. Hybrid Aero/RDWC build.

    Looking good, man! How are the water temps? Your setup is cool, the only thing I don't like about it is that the plants all surround the light, thus only receiving light from one side. Unless, you are constantly rotating them, but that would be a pain... The ideal vert setup is like this...
  19. M

    Led Users Unite!

    Post your grow on bubbleponics then, if you don't like this place. Really nice, knowledgeable crowd over there. Plus they have like 10 separate GLH Spectra journals and Mike from GLH is on the board as well.
  20. M

    Led Users Unite!

    The link is BCBUDBOX. Google this and you will find that this is a Grow Perfect product. Ledgrowshow is the handle LBG uses here and over at THCfarmer, I believe. Regardless, LBG does not deny that the servers of all these sites belong to Grow Perfect. He does deny being on their payroll...