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  1. Abysmal Darkenin

    Salvia Divinorum- The most potent naturally-occuring substance

    I have some recent experiences with salvia ... I had like 2 g 10x 10 leaves fresh and 5 g 20x... Some of my friends feel no effects... But me and some other dudes.... I saw a purple vortex and heard many voices and saw shadows... I've heard questions...So i have watched salvia effects on round...
  2. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    U can find suncharged water anytime ... U charge it daytime/... Its summer now.... Best time for sungazing... and wandering.. I dont have a pc anymore... It's broken.... But its not a big deal.. There is quite a nature to see in my country.. I am currently enjoying on picking wild cannabis and...
  3. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Last offtopic --->Watch your show dumbass ..Do not pollute my thread. Let your brain become one with your TV ...
  4. Abysmal Darkenin

    Guys Are Walkin' On Water.

    walking on water is as possible as feeding from the sun...
  5. Abysmal Darkenin

    Guys Are Walkin' On Water.
  6. Abysmal Darkenin

    Feeding THC to my plants!

    Try glycerine
  7. Abysmal Darkenin

    Joint, Blunt, Bong, OR Bowl? I have tried both hot box and dabuddah... Da buddah is a higher level and quality vaporizer and it is not much expensive... I live in a third world country :D and still could afford to buy it... The best think bout it is that is very hard to do critical damage...
  8. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    You r funny guy... But u r cycling.. From Now On .. Ontopic response only..
  9. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Yeah I am the racist here LOL,,, ... And I am DAMN pretty sure I will be assumed to be extremist if I am a Muslim.. My nation does not commits genocides... Death and hatred to mankind, poisoning their brainwashed minds. Oh lord, yeah!
  10. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    U should stare at Sun only in safe hours. if u can't, read in links in beginning and u will find how to how to practice sungazing in Not safe hours.. Dude.. Do not over do it cause u will suffer extreme headache and wont be able to sleep... Also u need to be with bare feet on soil so ionization...
  11. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Most people eat 1.5 times the food they need.. Americans eat like 2-3 times...(eat food but i am not addicted to it. It needs a lot of practice to reach the level of no eating ... btw i dont find much difference in american and french food...only the amount varies.. In France they serve u 150 g...
  12. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    I hope this thread was useful to someone.... If u r just seeing it Main info is contained in the first post.. Further posts are just another soap opera..
  13. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    I am having fun of you getting overwhelmed and jaw clinching...Why do i need to go to A AMerican DUMBASS Show.. I am not fighting for universal sunwater usage .Just do it if u wanna... Sunlight is free you noob... And everyone can get it ,.. And if people listen they wont give their money in...
  14. Abysmal Darkenin

    Ice Hash

    vape it if u can :)
  15. Abysmal Darkenin

    Joint, Blunt, Bong, OR Bowl?

    Hot box sucks get DaBuddah... I tried hot box is shit... And taking account that u can get stoned with common herbs... like damiana, catnip, st john wort ephedra gin seng...
  16. Abysmal Darkenin

    Joint, Blunt, Bong, OR Bowl?

    Get dabuddah vaporizer Its not very expensive and you can adjust temp... Its almost indestructable :) (not taking account of glass parts.. but they are cheap.. and well guarded buy the metal body design.. And vaporizing need some skill u need to read how to...
  17. Abysmal Darkenin

    new ionic bulb?

    Use them i use Ion bulbs. Google anion-light there is a catalogue with stats.. And i had hermies along with my girls .. They did not get pollianated.. Didnt know why.. May be it is deactivating pollen :? for real .
  18. Abysmal Darkenin

    Joint, Blunt, Bong, OR Bowl?

    Vape is the real shit u get 2-4 times more THC of a gram than bowls joints... blunts.. pipes.. .. So u get 2-4 times more stoned :) .. That should be the favorite method to anybody looking to get Max THC level .... It delivers most THC at one hit.. and as a whole.And Reducing smoking burnt...
  19. Abysmal Darkenin

    Ice Hash

    I will try this soon... If u r aiming to have highest thc content extracted isnt it The Butane Method for honey oil better... ? I think that 2 g is too small amount to come out of 100 g trim... .(although THC content of trim varies)... I know its stupid to ask but Do you dried your trim or u can...
  20. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    :) Am I The Only One Having Fun With This Thread bongsmilie