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  1. Abysmal Darkenin

    Preffered Method of Smoking [PMS]

    i use da buddah vaporizer. Its very easy to use and is hard to brake :).And has 3 meters of cable.Heats for 1:30-2 mins.Can be switched on for weeks only 25 w :).There is heat control and u can smoke many many types of herbs:).
  2. Abysmal Darkenin

    Plz Tell me which adapters can i use for cpu fans ?PICS

    If those are no good i got plenty more i bought 2 kg chargers for 3 $ from a gypsy.
  3. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Dont store water in platic vessels unless u need a plastic tea ...
  4. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    I use on my outdoor grows since 3 years.Picture from my avatar is from a sunwatered plant.I've notice buds become more leafy.. My indoor growth is just for fun its in a basement and i have no access to light i live elsewhere .... there is just 1 wardrobe 1 bed and my pots ...
  5. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    No just water collected from the feet Of Jesus just after he did some waterwalking .
  6. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    Thx for support mate i am currenty running one plant on 12/12 2x85 lotus cfl and they are great..No heat stress... I fucked up my plants very much putting hps too near.Then they all got ph locked up... OVerwatered cause of bad drainage...They came to look of almost healthy plants bout a month...
  7. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Cuase it has never seen the sun mate..
  8. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    Are u all so pro ? Harvesting kilograms on your first grow when your main plants occur male />>>> <><?? Wanna see that..If your are not pleased with my plants do not look at them.... go watch your fat bud monsters and forget about mine.I love my girls and the think that they are very...
  9. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Mine has divine connections :)
  10. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    Ahahha I bet people who suck get and 200 grams with 400 w hps U suck god's hairy bud to get that.
  11. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    I am a noob.... My next grow will be a bag seed I have an amnesia haze that is vegging atm.. So until then i bet i can get 30 grams of high quality stuff.. My current strains are not high yielders. So i had started again but why not to get this plants done till veg finishes ?
  12. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    I had other plants that tured out male :) i will post pictures to see how big they were I had in total of six plants 2 major that came to be male( cause i used shitty soil i guess(had never heard of ph and shit like that) That is the picture of the 4th day of 12/12 when both the big plants...
  13. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    I recently got the hps :) U do better with 2x 85 w lotus bulbs 2700 k and 2 55w 6400 k spirals :)
  14. Abysmal Darkenin

    Idiot - Dirt Packed TIGHT!!! Super tight - HELP!

    Just put some sticks that should penetrate soil from top to bottom and there wont be a problem
  15. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    I taped them with black plastic bags I just too off so i can shoot the root system .It helpful to track if there is any root rot or if worms are alive :). but there is not direct light to their roots :) Here are some pictures of the other sinners :) Thats 47th day of 12/12 for everyone.
  16. Abysmal Darkenin


    i use this 75 w 4200 lumens 20$ from local store.
  17. Abysmal Darkenin

    Odor eliminating cfl bulbs??? i have 75 w model of these 4500 lumens
  18. Abysmal Darkenin

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans. the best i had :). Suck that :). That is jesus the 3 leaf plant :) quite a star :) .Check my thread this plant is notorius :).A lot of fun there :). U can lick my...
  19. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    U got pentagram shaped 5 leaf ? Wanna see your thread :)
  20. Abysmal Darkenin

    Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant

    Its just a small plant and there is nothing wrong with 3 leafs :) . Infact if they were selling 3 leaf strains I am sure a lot of people might get interested in this :)..... Imaging that this becomes true :) many people will cut their 4 and 5th leaf and will praise their plants to be the badass...