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  1. Ring'n

    Dual Grow

    Nice looking grow choempi... Sub'd up from here.
  2. Ring'n

    Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds

    Glad you got it all worked out. It would have been a shame to have such a nice crop go to waste.
  3. Ring'n

    Dirty Weed Proof of Concept

    You have some nice nugz forming, I bet you cant wait to have a
  4. Ring'n

    Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics

    Just a quick update. I have a couple leaves that are yellowing, I think it may be an N def but there are also leaves that are clawing and are dry and stiff suggesting (from what I have read) that they have too much nutes.... I dont I grabbed some molasses so on the next water I will...
  5. Ring'n

    Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds

    Send them my way? lol..... JK Primz, hope you figure something out, it would be a shame to have them go to waste.
  6. Ring'n

    Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds

    Ah man I wish I had your garden! Your doing great Primz..... I love checking your grow, makes me want to learn more and go
  7. Ring'n

    Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics

    So I have 3 confirmed fems..... The best part of it is that of the 5 clones I took ( 1 from each plant ) only 3 survived but they are all fems also! I included some pics of the clones, as I mentioned earlier my technique is not perfected but they made it through. I removed 2 plants from the...
  8. Ring'n

    Dirty Weed Proof of Concept

    That does suck, hopefully it all works out... Im sure you will figure it out. Good Luck :)
  9. Ring'n

    Dirty Weed Proof of Concept

    Yup I agree, they are looking pretty nice Johnny.... Thanks for the updated pics.
  10. Ring'n

    Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics

    I think I need to move one out of the area, it seems like they are choking each other out because of the close proximity. I did try adding some more light but I just dont have enough room to be able to do it effectively. Im hoping for 1 more fem to show in the next day or so, that way I can rid...
  11. Ring'n

    Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds

    That sucks you had to chop one, but hopefully it was for the best. Everything else sure looks great though.
  12. Ring'n

    The paranoia thread, what are you scared of when your high?

    Zombies!!!!!! lol. JK My house burning down after I have a snack.... Did I turn the oven off? Brb gotta go check.....
  13. Ring'n

    Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics

    Well it really is a happy day! Of the 5 clones I took 3 survived (My cloning technique and clone box are yet to be perfected) and I have at least one fem to be a mother. Whew am I ever Here are the pics as promised. (Pic 552 is the confirmed fem, it may be hard to see the hairs...
  14. Ring'n

    Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics

    Well 2 of them showed me they are ladies! Im pretty stoked.... Hopefully I get one more fem out of the deal so I can kick the guys out and give them some more room. Pics in a bit.
  15. Ring'n

    Dirty Weed Proof of Concept

    Hey johnny, Like it was mentioned before just cut a hole in the bottom of the cab, (I know you already have one cut) but if you need reinforcement just built a raised sub floor or use a screen type bottom to allow more intake if that suits your needs. I dont have a completely sealed area, but...
  16. Ring'n

    Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds

    gwilliim, your highjacking Primz's journal..... If you post a thread of your own in the appropriate section you will get all the help you need.
  17. Ring'n

    Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds

    Very nice Primz, I like your choice of Keep up the great pics.
  18. Ring'n

    Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics

    I started some flowering nutes yesterday, gave them a 1/4 dose to get them started for now. I left them alone for a few days thinking they were over watered and over cared for, well turns out they needed water Oh well, I will learn. There still isn't any definitive signs of...
  19. Ring'n

    Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics

    Just a quick update. Because of the nute lock out and having to water with the epsom salt formula, I have over watered a bit..... Nothing I have included pics of the upper portion of my ghetto cab to show the exhaust fan. The cab itself runs a constant 80f with the lights on, it...
  20. Ring'n

    California Vote No

    Godfrey, I dont make the rules, thats why I said take it up with your government. I did say I share your opinion in the respect that if you are 18 and old enough to fight for your country you should be old enough to enjoy the same liberties as an adult.