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  1. bluballs

    Cannacopia's Chunky Cheese And Magnum, Envelope To Zig-Zag

    I bought the ur money...they suck. Looks like the bird is pecking the mites off So what do you think of the magnum? I have my beans under a bowl with an apple(not banana)
  2. bluballs

    nyc diesel---soma seeds

    I ordered the hog too. Was complete garbage. Many phenos...all of which were weak to say the least
  3. bluballs

    How much $ do you make growing?

    I actually loose money. I pay for everything and I pay people to smoke it. It's the only way I can get friends lol
  4. bluballs

    galaxy god bud

    I'm just making a ur expense. I dont trust THC seeds any way. I bought the HOG and it was absolute garbage
  5. bluballs

    Best Strain EVER!

    Doesnt look like blueberries...i was wondering
  6. bluballs

    Has anyone ordered THC Seeds strains?

    I order the HOG and man...that was one of the shittiest strains I ever had. It claims 3 time cup winner so I pay like 250! Out of the 6 females, 5 different phenos. One was very aggressive grower and when i saw the pistols, I got so excited that i cut 2 tables worth off the plant and grew...
  7. bluballs

    galaxy god bud

    I'll give you 3 for $160.00 I could use the other seven ;)
  8. bluballs

    Hemp Star

    My hemp star's are 5 wks now and they are getting crazy resin and huge buds! Gets me way higher than the kush does Anyone grow this strain? I did a dirt one and the results were average. This round is hydro buckets and fuk me are they getting big :). Hard too. I'll take pics soon. I have...
  9. bluballs

    Hindu Kush 430w Hps SonAgro/T5 Soil Closet Grow

    Hehe, I remember them all saying that shit about in ur parents house. On OG right?
  10. bluballs

    How much $ do you make growing?

    Oh, and I am high like that all the time? I never been called a fiend before. I know lots of people that smoke all day and they are very intelligent.
  11. bluballs

    How much $ do you make growing?

    I am scared now
  12. bluballs

    Best seeds to grow

    got a link? what did it produce?
  13. bluballs

    How to Sell Your Weed

    Get ur gf to ask her friends. U'de be surprised there too
  14. bluballs

    my shitty harvest

    I know guys who put trap lines attched to shot guns and cross bows lol. One used a rat trap device to trigger one Crazy hillbillies ;)
  15. bluballs

    my shitty harvest

  16. bluballs

    icmag booted me for my nickname

    I used to hang out in OG Been a few years and trying to get back into the commmunity. Still enjoy my trio of BOG strains :)
  17. bluballs

    Mother plant

    You might want to keep in a smaller pot until the root zone becomes bound. A 1 gallon will do for some time, then maybe a 3 gallon. It will be some time before you need a 5 gallon pot. You will find very slow growth if you put a 2 wk old plant into a 5 gallon pot. Once you have large roots...
  18. bluballs

    Marijuana Documentary

    enjoyed that quiet a bit. ty :)
  19. bluballs

    Best seeds to grow

    Peas produce well ;)
  20. bluballs

    Banana Method?!?

    I am trying it now and the banana peel is way to wet and soggy. I am switching to apple as well. Seems to last longer and stay dryer overall. I let yaz know the ratio. It will be sometime.