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  1. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    Nute burn or light? I believe the cupping is from heat stress. It gets very close to 90 at times but other than the cupping it doesn't seem to affect them much... I'm in the process of switching my lighting schedule from on during the day to night so that should help a ton.
  2. MickeyMackWood

    Whats YOUR light schedule during flower?

    Thats smart thinking, stay under the radar as much as possible! I honestly had no idea the rate of electricity went up at different times... I NEED to look into that more! Definitely making my change this weekend!
  3. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    Not the best pics, I know, but I woke up wanting to post an update and these are the best I got from my camera. Sorry for the quality but you can see some progress. I am really impressed with the WWxBB, they are swelling up nicely!:bigjoint: The main top on one is around a foot long. The Money...
  4. MickeyMackWood

    Whats YOUR light schedule during flower?

    I'm curious as to who runs their lights at night and who runs them during the day. I have been running mine on at 8am-8pm but I'm switching them over this weekend to on from 8pm-8am. The reason for my switch is it will be easier to keep the house cool during the day, day hours= possible company...
  5. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    Not sure about the rust spots, a little research may find your answer. I usually find anything im looking for in the "marijuana plant problem section". You said they WERE burning from the light though? Did you raise it? How far was it and is it now?
  6. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    I don't know why im not getting alerts from this thread? Anyways, looking good my dude! That random seed is loving that lst like it was meant for it! We're on 5 weeks bud, over half way there!! I can not wait, I remember now how paranoid I always got from this time till they finish...
  7. MickeyMackWood

    Just a few nugs shots

    Good job. They seem to be swelling up nicely :). Keep us posted!:weed:
  8. MickeyMackWood

    Me again after 2 month look and leave comment please

    Different strokes for different folks. I like to give veg nutes up until they are really showing flowers to keep the nitrogen up a bit longer. To each their own. :peace:bongsmilie
  9. MickeyMackWood

    What Luck for my First Grow Eh?!

    Are you in a legal state?
  10. MickeyMackWood

    Me again after 2 month look and leave comment please

    Straight to 12on 12off. No need to switch up nutes yet. What kind of light and size tent do you have?
  11. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    Do you have a separate area for vegging? If so, what do you have going in there?
  12. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    Looking nice and healthy BTW! I can't wait to see what she'll produce. You gonna only have her under the light the whole time or will you be throwing something else in?
  13. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    Personally I'd leave it, I don't do any defoliation. If she don't need it, she'll shed it IMO. Any fluff is just more/better butter or hash :)
  14. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    What kind of space are you working with? These girls filled out a ton after the flip, really surprised me.
  15. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    I don't see why not, it is water soluble and dissolves instantly. I can't speak on it any further than that seeing as I have no experience in hydro... too much work for me lol! Good luck to ya!
  16. MickeyMackWood

    Plant growing very slow.

    CFLS are very useful in veg when done right. Keep them as close as possible, mine all but touch my plants seeing as they give off little to no heat. I would look into something else, still sounds like something is stunting it. Once again... pics?
  17. MickeyMackWood

    How much do you think this will dry to

    Bout a pound.
  18. MickeyMackWood

    Plant growing very slow.

    Couple weeks old? One small node? Something is definitely wrong... pics?
  19. MickeyMackWood

    Grams per watt

    This. And this. /Thread. :peace:
  20. MickeyMackWood

    Oh no,a hermie

    +1 If she's popping out balls like you say get rid of her. It's not worth the risk of missing one or more and losing your sensimilla bud.:peace: