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  1. MickeyMackWood

    Should I cut these off?

    I agree, it just doesn't seem right... If she didn't need something she would shed it herself. There are other methods you could use instead of defoliation to get better realuts next time like LST, topping, scrog, ect. Plus, more trim/fluff for butter/hash isn't necessary a bad thing. :wink::weed:
  2. MickeyMackWood

    Update on my girls

    Looking good! Them girls are on autopilot. Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. It's smooth sailing (hopefully) from here on out. :peace::joint::weed:
  3. MickeyMackWood

    Topping in veg - do you take the tallest node or nodes (plural) also cloning from Flower

    For topping, whereever I want the cut to be I make it when I am able to see enough secondary grow to ensure a clean enough cut without disturbing the secondary growth. It's not much at all. For super cropping, the technique I've used is to only slightly bend back, forth, and side to side...
  4. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    Yup, that would be it. I'm a simple man... And I only grow for personal use so I don't feel the need to make things too complicated. Jacks lines have brought me good things in the past :-). As for expense, wwXbb is actually on the cheaper side, from what I remember, as far as fems go. I got...
  5. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    Haha Sorry if I sounded pissy, I did not intend to come off that way! I guess that is the power of online communication... :eyesmoke:I fully respect your question and understand how the two may seem that way and was only explaining why. Thanks for the feedback, honestly. ;-):joint:
  6. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    As I said, this is my first grow in 5 years and I didn't have very many under my belt back then but Jacks has done well for me. I don't believe its burnt them, I'm pretty sure what you are seeing is the yellowing/dead leaves from a nitrogen deficiency I had before transplanting into bigger pots...
  7. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    Update? Here are mine;
  8. MickeyMackWood

    Check out my girls! 400w HPS, Week 3 Flower.

    It has been about 5 years since my last grow and I must say its like riding a bike! Here we are on day 23 since the flip and I am pretty happy with the current progress. I have had a few hiccups along the way and have had to basically reteach myself a ton but I think the outcome is going to...
  9. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    Looking good! I would wait to take the strings off they might pop up on you. I actually just tied mine a little more back yesterday for the final time to open up the middle more.
  10. MickeyMackWood

    The day has finally come.

    This thread made me LOL.
  11. MickeyMackWood

    400 watt Harvest

    Well done. bongsmilie:clap::hump:
  12. MickeyMackWood

    400 watt Harvest

    No, you just vegged way to long. The 400w can only penetrate effectively 2 ft down so any taller than that and its useless. Research LST and topping techniques and you will quadruple your harvest with that 400 watter.
  13. MickeyMackWood

    Post your best tips/ Learning Experiences

    Loose lips sink ships! Don't be 'that guy' that tells everybody and their brother what you have going on. I swear, 95% of people incarcerated for growing (of anything for that matter) tell on their selves in some way.
  14. MickeyMackWood

    Post your best tips/ Learning Experiences

    I alternate between all purpose and bloom boosters the first 2-3 weeks of flowering at half dose to keep up the nitrogen. Then straight bloom booster at full strength (1/2 tsp/gallon sometimes a little more). The last 2 weeks or so I hold off the nutes and use molasses, start with half a table...
  15. MickeyMackWood

    It has been almost 6 years!

    I can relate! I am also on my first go after about a 4 year break (incarceration...). Its like riding a bike. I think this will be my best run yet, actually. Best of luck to ya, keep us updated! *Edit- Following. We're both using 400w and flipped on the 3rd, should be interesting!
  16. MickeyMackWood

    Post your best tips/ Learning Experiences

    Truth. My 'Jacks Classic' works just peachy. A little (or a lot :) ) of LST can go a long way. <Bushes :)
  17. MickeyMackWood

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    :clap::hump::clap::hump::clap: You sir deserve a round of applause. I went and picked up the items today and it was up and running in maybe 10 minutes after getting home. I just recently flipped so the smell hasn't been awful but so far its killed what little smell I had. AND for under $15...
  18. MickeyMackWood

    My plants in a box, round 3

    Take any pics of the finished bud? Im curious about the trimming dry.