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  1. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    My magik girl is a wee bit nute sensitive blue dream and bbk aren't phased by the nutes. seperate feeding schedule for the magik in place soon
  2. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    One plant got massive nute burn after first shot of swell. Always been a little nute burn but nothing to worry about. Flushed all three ladies with ph ro water. runoff ph were all in the norm. ppm's were fine also. will flush again tommorow.
  3. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    Day 35 flower pics
  4. hazefeen

    My first organic soil mix attempt :D

    Seeing some horrible cal mag defficiencies in some of my babies. Can i top dress with garden lime to recitfy the situation. I guess with just roots organic original soil isnt enough for them using ro water. I kinda expected this but figured i would give it a shot. Lesson learned.
  5. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    Started using swell today. Plants are really starting to smell now. Only 3 or 4 weeks left to harvest.
  6. hazefeen

    T5 Sgrog - 2 x Chemdog

    Thats a bummer man. You should be able to save them. That's the reason I quarantine everything that comes into my grow areas first
  7. hazefeen

    T5 Sgrog - 2 x Chemdog

    Nice start room looks nice and clean
  8. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    Yeah every other bulb is blue spectrum.
  9. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    These are my day 28 of flower pics taken tonight. Next week I will stop feeding potash and start using swell instead. u can see a burnt leaf I accidently let it grow into the light. also plants were stressed from moving them to another room. very difficult with a scrog net. :(
  10. hazefeen

    My first organic soil mix attempt :D

    Soil going good soil is warm to the touch and growing nice film on top of bin. My soil is alive and thriving
  11. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    Updates coming soon!! Had to move whole tent to another room and kinda stressed them out. Should bounce back though. Was hard putting scrog net back over them
  12. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    Yeah anything is possible. I dont get into the yield wars really. Just a fun hobby for me and I just try different things to enhance my grows. Other than that their is ALWAYS going to be someone out producing me and getting better harvest. I'm very happy with my yields It keeps my wife and I...
  13. hazefeen

    My first organic soil mix attempt :D

    I think I may mix up a batch of soil with Neem cake Sea Kelp meal Crustacean meal Comfrey leaf worm castings and make my oil soil using sphagnum, perlite, coco and see how well it does side by side
  14. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    Nutrients used with this grow
  15. hazefeen

    My first organic soil mix attempt :D

    And this
  16. hazefeen

    My first organic soil mix attempt :D

    Heres what I used so far for this grow
  17. hazefeen

    My first organic soil mix attempt :D

    Also plan on using only roots organic original mix for veg. hope to not need any extra ferts. Will this be a problem?
  18. hazefeen

    My first organic soil mix attempt :D

    Hey everyone tried many many liquid ferts. Some with great results some with not so good results. So heres the recipe I followed. If anybody has a good recipe where you dont have to layer it that you can use full pot everytime let me know. Unless it costs more. I'm all about trying to go fully...
  19. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    LMFAO smartass :P
  20. hazefeen

    t5 scrog

    Another piece of information on the subject. I have never done a side by side with same clone, one defoliated and one not either. and their were other variables at play with my grows nutes temp etc. So I in no way know for sure. :)