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  1. hazefeen

    Do you have poor germination rates? Read this!

    Nice post will have to experiment with this one. My germ rates are fine but interesting nonetheless. THANKS!
  2. hazefeen

    Thinking about switching nutes, whats my best bet?

    exactly cns17 3 part nute with liquid karma (optional) and kool bloom and you got a budget growing machine :D It's what i used for awhile now do more but for begginners its great combo that wont break the bank!
  3. hazefeen

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    Well said redeyedfrog well said
  4. hazefeen

    Thinking about switching nutes, whats my best bet?

    Just remember its just a plant, You don't need 50 bottles of nutes and additives..........
  5. hazefeen

    Thinking about switching nutes, whats my best bet?

    experience....... But heres a cheap easy way to go imo botonicare "liquid karma" "cns17 grow,bloom and ripe" then for a bloom booster go with GH koolbloom powder. Not overly complicated and works well. GL
  6. hazefeen

    This plant

    How long has it been in flower? yes it looks to be budding just fine, just really early in flower. First grow?
  7. hazefeen

    which customs location from the tude?

    lol unclebaldrick!
  8. hazefeen

    which customs location from the tude?

    Your an idiot........
  9. hazefeen

    which customs location from the tude?

    thanks herbies is good ordered from them before. attitudes customer service was amazing for me. tried reshipping then refunded full amount. Just was having problems at chicago customs.
  10. hazefeen

    My strain (Crazy Nice)

    just germed 10 Crazy Nice seeds. I created this strain about A year ago just getting around to testing. Dropped them in straight coco will update with pics when they break surface :D
  11. hazefeen

    Garden wire for ScrOG?

    Good call, missed that part lol
  12. hazefeen

    which customs location from the tude?

    thanks racerboy. Yeah I was having some probs with the attitude last 3 orders were seized. Seems chicago is pretty tight to get through. They refunded my money even after trying a reship which I think was pretty good of them!
  13. hazefeen

    which customs location from the tude?

    Still can't find alot of the genetics I want. Have a few projects going and need specific strains.
  14. hazefeen

    Garden wire for ScrOG?, instructions for scrog net. Jees sorry about last post, was pretty medicated!
  15. hazefeen

    Garden wire for ScrOG?

    I wouldnt use metal or even rubbercoated for that matter. Take pvc make a square use screws to make points to tie string and make the screen out of the screen.
  16. hazefeen

    Question about nutrients....

    Go ahead and switch it up! you don't have to stay with one line of nutrients to grow ive used many different brands in one grow before. especially since all your doing is switching out a bloom for a bloom. take notes and you will find what works best with time.
  17. hazefeen

    which customs location from the tude?

    Thanks! I will try an order then
  18. hazefeen

    which customs location from the tude?

    Which customs office do packages from attitude go through to colorado? when i was in mn it went through chicago where they were getting seized alot. just curious if this move helps with that at all. thanks
  19. hazefeen

    Colorado Genetics?

    We did we moved here about a month ago lol. and bong brain so youve tried all their strains then? all of them suck? weird I would have thought california genetics were a crock of shit if I stuck to only cali connection bullshit. And yeah judging by pictures lmfao glad your not a...
  20. hazefeen

    Colorado Genetics?

    Just wondering what breeders are outta colorado. I know cenntenial seeds and I know reserva privada has a colorado branch now. using their la confidential pollen. just curious what else is here.