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  1. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Haha sorry i read that wrong, I thought you were talking about.... nvm. Yeah, if the cord from the fixture to the ballast is long enough, i dont see why not. I dont think I'd be able to do that, but im sure someone with a smaller space would be able to with no issue. Good idea:clap:
  2. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    600w Sugar Punch Medical Grow

    Wow. Lovin' those chrystals
  3. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    The idea is to have the light as close to the top of the canopy as possible, while maintaining a steady temperature in the box. If i were you, id just get a bigger box tbh. With an HPS in a confined space, youre going to need a box big enough for your plants, lights and cooling system(fans etc.)...
  4. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    I dont have a thermometer in the closet right now, but it was pretty warm so I put an extra fan in the closet, pointed at the ballast and the temperature cooled down
  5. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    I've heard a month max, but I probably wont need the full month. Im not trying to rush it though, I've waited this long, might as well do everything right the first time. lol :blsmoke: Im going to dry them in a dark box til the stems bend(a few cracking noises) but dont break, then put them in...
  6. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Tell me about it haha. Couple more weeks & I should be good for the chop. The month of drying/curing is gonna be tough. lmaaoo
  7. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.

    He's right, the soil will drain much better if you add 1 cup perlite to every 3 cups of your soil. It'll also make it easier for your plants to spread roots. And be careful not to overwater. You should only be watering once every two or three days, or when the pots get light and the topsoil is...
  8. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    Should I transplant?

    By the size of your plants, I'd say youre good for week or two. I had plants that size growing in little plastic cups before I transplanted into bigger pots. You want to wait until you see roots popping out from the bottom of the pot, that way the roots will hold onto the soil when you...
  9. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    How do i prevent lockout? Also, I was using the dyna-gro liquid bloom formula, but ive been flushing using distilled water & molasses. Should I switch back 2 the nutes, or would continuing to use the molasses make more sense ? Im looking for an 'upbeat' high, so I'll be giving an update when my...
  10. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Couple more picz. 8 weeks into flower now:bigjoint:
  11. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Im gonna throw 25 grams out there for a dry weight guess. Check'em out! :wall:
  12. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    Wuddup famz. Check out the new bud shots in my 'how long til harvest' thread. What do you think?

    Wuddup famz. Check out the new bud shots in my 'how long til harvest' thread. What do you think?
  13. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Heres the bud shotz! 8 weeks into flower :weed:
  14. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Ive been doing more research and ill probably let them go another week and a half to 2 weeks. I should be getting the jewelers loupe any day now, so ill be able to give an update on the trichomes soon. Ill throw up some pics in a few minutes to give everyone an idea of where she's at. Thanks a...
  15. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    My opinion might be a little premature, considering this is my first grow and Ive never seen a plant ready for harvest in person, but I have a jewelers loupe arriving any day now. Ill be harvesting when the trichomes are 80% cloudy and 20% amber. Ill post a couple more pics up later today...
  16. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    That seems like an incredibly small amount. When you compare a 14g nug, to the main cola of my plant. The cola dwarfs it :weed:
  17. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Harvest is roughly a week and a half from those pictures. ^
  18. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Any other yield guesses? :blsmoke:
  19. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    ^ Those were taken on the 8th, so about 1/2 a week ago