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  1. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    What about Snow White? Its an Indica/White Widow cross. If anybodies grown any, id love to see pics and get some feedback on it. :blsmoke: :blsmoke:
  2. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    I wish I knew lol. I just grabbed some good bagseed from a friend. I wanted to get my setup put together & all the kinks worked out before I choose a strain. Im looking into a few Nirvana strains right now for my next go. Any suggestions ?
  3. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    Not the biggest cola, but shes lookin pretty, & smells even better. Any early guesses on a harvest weight ?
  4. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    New bud shotz Day 41 Flower :blsmoke: Enjoy!:joint: The girl I just switched over has been drooping, and hooking down a bit at the tips of the fan leaves since I nuted. Any idea why? Should I be worried ?:eyesmoke:(Last Pic)
  5. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    New Bud Shotz ! :weed: The last pic is of the plant i just put in flower. The tips of the leaves have been drooping slightly since I gave it the nutrients. Should I be worried? :shock:
  6. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Its my 1st try, so im using bagseed to get all the kinks out.
  7. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Pics comin later ! Uppin 4 tips/feedback lol
  8. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Shes developing nicely. How many more weeks ? :blsmoke:
  9. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    I miscounted when I was calculating the age of my plant.... Todays Flower Day 36 :blsmoke: lool Anyway, heres some bud shots from Flower Day 35. Enjoy bongsmilie
  10. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    My pot smells like grass clippings

    Good lookin out. I was under the impression any 'quick dry' method would deteriorate the finished product, to an extent that surpassed taste & smell. ie Degrading the THC content. Thanks for the info. + Rep 2 u Jack
  11. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    HELP: Best Bang/Buck Flower Nutes ?

    I water til' theres visible run-off about every 3 days when the top layer gets crusty & the pots get light. Do I feed with every water? If not how often am I supposed to use?
  12. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    HELP: Best Bang/Buck Flower Nutes ?

    Yup, 1/4 tsp. per Gallon. Is that about right ?
  13. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    HELP: Best Bang/Buck Flower Nutes ?

    I received my Dyna-Gro Liquid Blood nutes this morning! I mixed up a 5 gallon batch with 1 & 1/4 tsp. of the Dyna-Gro formula (about the recommended introductory dose and about 1/4 of the 'full' dose) Is this the correct 'water:nutrient' ratio for my plants ? Feedback asap would be...
  14. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    1st cheap cfl-veg/hps-flower med grow !! Lots of pics !!

    I recieved my Dyna-Gro Liquid Blood nutrients this morning! I mixed up a 5 gallon batch with 1 & 1/4 tsp. of the Dyna-Gro formula (about the recommended introductory dose and about 1/4 of the 'full' dose) Is this the correct water:nutrient ratio for my plants ? Feedback asap would be...
  15. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    My pot smells like grass clippings

    Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldnt forcing the bud to 'quick dry' with a dehumidifier, instead of letting the moisture evaporate naturally, drastically reduce the quality/the taste and smell of the final product?
  16. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    My pot smells like grass clippings

    Pretty sure there more to curing then just 'gettin the bud dry'
  17. GrapePhilly&Chronic

    250watts How Long Til' Harvest ? (Pics)

    Anyone else ? im hoping for 3.5-4 weeks but im not rushing it.