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  1. RuchaYolanda

    Buds drying out on LIVE plants?!?!

    Yep...that's what I was thinking. My first plant got funky at the end too...I'm almost sure it was salt build up. Now I always do a flush like 1/2 through flowering. I think part of it is that I was using like 5 different kinds of nutes. LOL. It took me like 20 minutes to measure out all the...
  2. RuchaYolanda

    Stupid question

    I have a giant tree in my backyard and 1 or 2 of the buds look like they may have been pollinated....could be there is a ball sack hanging deep inside there that I can't see or it could have floated over from some one else's grow. Am I going to kill my tree because it might produce a few seeds...
  3. RuchaYolanda


    Dude...your hacking up your plant and your not even sure if the things you are choppin are pollen sacks? Whoa....I think you're trippin....Just relax. It doesn't sound like - even if it's been pollinated - it's the whole plant. Without pictures...noone can tell you for sure. It sounds a...
  4. RuchaYolanda

    White Widow 30 days into flower

    They look great! From what I can see, you've got a while to go on flowering - I'm thinking at least 4 weeks - probably more. This is when they will start to put on the serious weight. But don't ask for estimates on how much you will yield - it's kind of a jinx. Just wait and see. Do you...
  5. RuchaYolanda


    Personally...I would finish up the grow - not kill the plants - but also start fresh when it's over. I found 1 set of bananas while I was trimming. No big deal... I never saw the bananas during flowering - and I thought I was watching them pretty closely (my family will agree that I sent most of...
  6. RuchaYolanda

    Few questions -__-

    Check "cerebralvibrator" - she always does 12/12 from seed - and with fabulous results! Good luck YO
  7. RuchaYolanda

    Brown cup things

    I used those when I grew from seed. They are "peet pots" and dissolve in the soil. It makes transplanting seedlings stress free for the delicate little plant - so you don't have to worry about them suffering transplant shock. You just bury the entire thing - pot and all in the new container...
  8. RuchaYolanda


    I agree with others...not watering seems cruel and unusual. I water mine every other day with pure water and a little molasses for two weeks before harvest. Why would you stop watering? What purpose does it serve? YO
  9. RuchaYolanda

    outdoor lime green

    Yes...many people add molasses to the water during the last 4-6 weeks of flowering. Make sure you use the real stuff...Grandma's or Briar Rabbit brands. YO
  10. RuchaYolanda

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    LED Girl: My husband, daughter and I go to Sayulita every's a little surfing town north of PV. Highly recommend it! YO
  11. RuchaYolanda

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    Smoke a joint and mellow out man. Are you just here to bitch and make snyde comments? Peace. YO
  12. RuchaYolanda

    outdoor lime green

    You can tell the sex as soon as they begin preflowering or flowering. If they are outside - they are probably beginning to flower since we are getting close to 12 hours of light/dark. Post pics of plants for help in determining sex. Good Luck YO
  13. RuchaYolanda

    short rider in glass house

    All I can say is that Early Mist was supposed to be a short plant....I now have a 7ft plant in my backyard that I have topped 4 times. lesson learned is that...regardless of what the described typical height prepared for a monster if you are growing outdoors and can't control...
  14. RuchaYolanda

    Roots showing above soil??

    How big is your current container? I also find that - along the way- my soil level drops - especially in spot where I tend to pour water. So I add soil. Always use soil from a bag that hasn't been sitting opened outside to avoid getting bugs - I store a small bag in my grow room with a coffee...
  15. RuchaYolanda

    SUPERthrive vitamins-hormones

    I have used it since my first grow...every grow has been a success. I'm told it is especially good for clones, seedlings and weakened plants. I use about 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water - every watering. It can't hurt! YO
  16. RuchaYolanda

    Is It Possible to Send Weed in the Mail?

    That is not true about them needing a warrant. I once shipped a very small chunk of heroin in the US Mail from Santa Cruz, CA to Grass Valley, CA. I hid it pretty well behind a photo glued to a piece of paper. The letter never got to my buddy in Grass Valley - but I was young and stupid and...
  17. RuchaYolanda

    how is she looking

    Looks really good. The buds will get fatter - it's in early bloom. Mix some molasses with a gallon of water and water it. They love molasses when they're flowering. It helps if you fill up with a few ounces of warm water - add the molasses and shake it up then fill the rest of the way with...
  18. RuchaYolanda

    First legitimite grow

    Just remember that chances are at least 1/2 will be whatever you do - don't give up on any of them until you know which are females - and it always seems like the biggest bushiest plants turn out male and the ones that never really took off are female (murphy's law) You can always use...
  19. RuchaYolanda

    3 days into flowering(pics)

    Grocery store with the maple syrup....get either grandma's brand or briar rabbit. Plant will love it Looks good YO
  20. RuchaYolanda

    Anyone hang fixtures with these

    I had the same problem. But one worked and one didn't - so I bought another set and neither of them worked. Very frustrating but good to know I'm not the only one. I finally bought lightweight chain with hooks on the end....meant for hanging planters...I just took it apart. works great! YO