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  1. SublimeOne

    harvesting and drying.

    last time i did not cure at all!!! just dried than smoked!!! Like i said i am new to this. So fromwhat i am hearing it seems that if i dry them in the dark slowly over 5-7 days with good air flow they still wont really be ready to smoke. i than need to cure them in air tight jars???? and this...
  2. SublimeOne

    harvesting and drying.

    i have nearly finished this grow my second one. the lemon skunk and blue cheese look awesome and mind blowing fully swollen calyxes and stinky as hell. I WANTED TO ASK HOW SHOULD I DRY IT SO THE SMELL POTENCY IS RETAINED?? LAST CROP I GREW SOME OK LOOKING BUDS THAT SMELLED REALLY NICEASWSEBUT...
  3. SublimeOne

    6 weeks into flowering...LOOKING SMALL?????

    By looking at your plants i believe they are in flowering and will flower for roughly another 2-4 weeks. the buds have not grown much because of stress of some sort whether it be light stress or actual physical stress from being moved about, dropped etc. Also look into trying out different types...
  4. SublimeOne

    Day 50 slh first grow....need some advice!

    Yong mc donad has hit the nail on the head. itr really depends on how much height you have in the grow room. As you have heard already, having haze genetics means they will really stretch when the lights are changed to 12/12 atleasts double even triple in size by harvest. so if you have the...
  5. SublimeOne

    My DIY Revolving Tent Garden

  6. SublimeOne

    which type of light should i buy to add to my 400w HPS

    hello!! I have a 1.2 sqm tent whichis 2 metre high. i have one 400w HPS in there but i am planning to grow big plants and lots of them sqashed in there. ( I have 14 plants at 5 weeks veg and now going into flower, most of them are 35-45cm tall) i guess they will become fairly tall plants. And...
  7. SublimeOne

    Help question on lighting needed

    i have a 1.2 metre X 1.2 metre X 2.0 metre tent. i have 1 X 400w at the mo, i am thinking of getting one more light, SO SHALL I GET A 250W TOTAL=650W OR A 400W TOTAL= 800W OR A 600W TOTAL 1000W PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE I WANT THE OPTIMUM LEVEL OF LIGHT NOT MORE THAN NEEDED SO HOW MUCH WILL GROW...
  8. SublimeOne

    Extraction system question

    I dont wanna make things more difficult than need be. If i can add another 250w and provide optimum levels of light im happy to do that. if not, than i will get another 400w making total of 800w. I think that should be enough. if need be il get another little fan to blow air in or out whatever...
  9. SublimeOne

    Extraction system question

    I see!!! So it is too much light you say? so even if i have two 4oow lamps that would be too much do you think. And i am going to be growing 14 fairly large (1 metre plants) and roughly 30 small cutting plants sea of green next to it. so as you can see there will be a lot of foliage in that...
  10. SublimeOne

    Extraction system question

    hello! I am thinking of getting 1x 400w and 1 x 600w HPS lights for a 1.2 metre X 1.2 metre X 2.0 metre grow tent. I have a 5 inch extractor fan will that be sufficient to keep the tent from over heating. I have those inline fans so if need be i can buy another one and connect them together to...
  11. SublimeOne

    Help with lighting

    HELLO!! i just wanted to ask if 400w is enough to cover a 1.2 metre x 1.2 metre grow area???? Or will i need more lighting to flower??? I have been told that i need 3 x 600w lights, that seems like an awful lot of light for a small area like 1.2 square metre, i was thinking about a maximum of 1...
  12. SublimeOne

    Flowering cuttings

    Hello! i wanted to ask is it possible to put cuttings that have just only rooted straight into flowering??? In Other words i have some plants that have been vegging now for 5 weeks, 8 days ago i took off all the lower branches and lollipopped the plants. i used the branches to make cuttings with...
  13. SublimeOne

    Help with flowering booster hammerhead

    Hello!!! I need a little help with understanding how to use the hammerhed 9/18 flowering booster. Do i use it on top of the usual flowering fertiliser (Bio Bizz Bloom)????? For example say i am using the bio bizz bloom at 3ml a litre for every watering, and i give them 10 litres every...
  14. SublimeOne

    hey sup mate!!! The G13 haze has two phenotypes from what i hear. One finishes quicker in about...

    hey sup mate!!! The G13 haze has two phenotypes from what i hear. One finishes quicker in about 9-10 weeks ( the one with more G13 in it) and the other takes 10-12 weeks (the one with more hawaaian haze in it). i only grew one plant and got the more hazey one took me 12 weeks to finish. also the...
  15. SublimeOne

    Barneys farm G13 Haze and Greenhouse seeds lemon Skunk

    Hello everybody !!! My baby has swollen up a little and looks like she will give me about 30 grams dried. Anyway here are a few pics. pic 1,2 G13 Haze mother 9 weeks in pic 3, Lemon skunk seedling now into flower 4 weeks a little late as usual with my photoperiod problem pic 4 G13 haze The...
  16. SublimeOne

    Barneys farm G13 Haze and Greenhouse seeds lemon Skunk

    heya everyone!! if anyoner is actually still readin this thread! lol!!! The colas have finally formed and are not especially large but even still its seems like i have about 40 (dried)grams on the plant 150 or so grams wet i estimate. The budsare absolutely glistening and sparkling and have...
  17. SublimeOne

    Barneys farm G13 Haze and Greenhouse seeds lemon Skunk

    i guess i have kinda failed, but hey im only a beginner and this is my first grow, i will keep reading and growing and hopefully in a few more tries and i should be able to achieve that 125 gram plant!!! Wish me luck everyone, i am seriously hoping for atleast 30 grams of buds that are top...
  18. SublimeOne

    Barneys farm G13 Haze and Greenhouse seeds lemon Skunk

    Hello Everyone!! have cheered myself up a and stopped worrying!! i guess i was simply expecting too much for a first grow, i made some big mistakes on the way and i will not make ever again. My darling is not swelling as much as i would have liked her to but hey damn it even if i get 30 grams of...
  19. SublimeOne

    G13 Haze....

    There seems to be two phenotypes of the G13 haze, One is more sativa (Hawaiian haze) dominant like and the other is more Indica (G13) Dominant like. So from what i hear the G 13 Dominant phenotype takes 9 weeks and the more hazey one takes 11-12 weeks. I suggest you invest in a small microscope...
  20. SublimeOne

    Barneys farm G13 Haze and Greenhouse seeds lemon Skunk

    my Nokia N95 Mobile Phone has been stolen!!!! i was using my phone to take pictures now i hve no camera!!!! I have already gotmy replacement phone which is a cheap and nasty one!!! This one cannot even take pictures under the lights. it come sout with lines all over the picture. I absolutely...