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  1. N

    250W too close to the Plants??

    Thanx...Looking for signs of sex now. Thought they were all Fem seeds but found out different. Long story-but thanx
  2. N

    250W too close to the Plants??

    Quick question, it possible to have a 250W light too close to the tops of 3 plants? No signs of heat or temp issues but it is about 6.5 inches from the top. What does everyone think?
  3. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Hey everyone...Do you think you can have a 250W light too close to the tops of the plants? No signs of heat stress, temps or other issues but it runs about 6.5" from the Top...what do you think?
  4. N

    Coffie Can Competition- Get in by the 1st!!

    I wish I could of gotten in the contest! I will post some pics anyways if you guys dont mind?The last one is from today-Just switched to 12/12 and did some more LST on the big one. All have been FIM'd
  5. N

    Coffee Can Growers

    I am using some Great Lakes Nutes that I had laying around. R/O water that usually is @ 6.0 after I put in the Nutes. PPM right now is 650 and has been for a week. I change the res weekly and top throughout the week with either R/O water or water with the nutes depending on whether or not the...
  6. N

    Coffee Can Growers

    Hey everyone...I have a quick question. Has anyone ran into PH dropping like crazy in these coffee cans? 5.9 yesterday and I woke up it was @3.9!!! I will throw up some pics, its the big one I am talking about. 3 weeks old as of Tuesday. No root problems and it is looking pretty good I think...
  7. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Has anyone experienced a rapid drop in PH? No root problems and the plant is looking good but I woke up this morning and it was @ 3.9!!! It was three weeks old Tuesday. Any suggestions or help? Thanks in advance guys
  8. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Yeah they were, my PH Meter was a point off, so 5.8 was really 6.8! All new growth is looking good though. The biggest was Fim'd on the 5th the second the 9th and I did the little one this morning.
  9. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Check these 3 out wiimb-kind of a slow start. My Ph pen was off a point plus my fan was squeeky so I put some WD-40 in it and it blew over some of the leaves:-(...they are on the right track now I think. Any suggestions?
  10. N

    Blue Widow & Sweet Deep Grapefruit 400W Coco Grow (Tropf Blumat)

    Those are looking nice-Subed for sure. Gonna look into those Smart Pots
  11. N

    How does 100g looks like?

    Just 50 Grams per Bag? They look a little light!....LOL
  12. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Hey wiimb, hope your hanging in there. I was wondering if you, or anyone else for that matter, has any idea how many drops of GH Down it takes to lower the PH 1 whole point? I just use a old visine bottle and go a drop @ a time until I get it where I need it but never sat around and counted how...
  13. N

    What is happening to this sativas top bud?

    This is from Humbolts Website:FlavorFul is a strong solution of 8% refined Humic acid concentrate, a little known and highly useful additive. Given that and the fact that you "ADD" it to your water I am a little confused-LOl
  14. N

    Too Early to FIM? What ya think?

    I might give it a shot today-I am trying to let 2 others get a little more growth as well. I snap some pics later
  15. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    On my way now! Thannks
  16. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Thanx TWS-my first Rep points earned!!!
  17. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Thanks wiimb
  18. N

    I'm still here to Help!

    Hey wiimb, I got a question for you. How close can you get a 250W MH to little plants-I have good Air circulation and a little clip fan blowing right on the bulb so it stays cool. Should I just follow the hand rule? If I do that I could potentially have the light damn near right on the little girls.
  19. N

    Too Early to FIM? What ya think?

    Thanx guys-I know I need more patience, especially w/this Hobby!