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    400 watt dimable digital ballast

    can i run a 250 watt lamp useing the dim switch thanks
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    new seedlings

    live in northeast, have a grow down stairs about 4 weeks in, not in a light tight area, want to grow seedlings for outdoor, can i grow them on a 12 hour time for a time, how long? will be starting from seed thanks
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    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    82 USMC here in mass now its legal, dont feel same
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    what size pots

    at 82 hard to remember i or e, you got the meaning through
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    happy frog

    first time useing happy frog potting soil, just transplanted to larger pot, do i start nutes right away simper fi
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    what size pots

    im going to grow 6 afgan kush to 16 in. then put under 400 watt sodium light, have a 3x3 area, last year i grew a test in a 2 gal pot and it was nowere root bound, it grew to about 3 feet, i would like more room to move around in that area simper fi
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    66 days

    PETE I DO THE BEST I CAN AT 82 YEARS AND A FEW SCARS FROM KOREA. sometimes you kids can be mean SIMPER FI
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    66 days

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    66 days

    afgan kush, 400 watt hps, 66 days in flower, was not able to get its full med effect out doors, mould and cold, about 45% brown hairs, tichs still all clear,not many leves left, just great big buds, do i keep going to get cloudy and a few brown tichs, simper fi ,
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    next grow

    what size pots
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    next grow

    have 3x3 area, grew 2 afgan kush to about 17 inches about a month outside, took inside grew to about 27 inches under 400 watt HPS in flower, bent over held down with a weight, super croped first 2 weeks, in 2 gal pots, they almost fill whole area, they look great lots of colas, will be done in...
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    a statment

    i think its almost impossible to grow a agfan kush med to its full potently, here in the northeast had to cut down, all that rain, cold and damp days and nights, and mold, i have 2 kush under HPS in there 4th week, buds up the creek, it will be intresting when i get those things brown to see the...
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    i took off half branches cut out the mold put in drying room, all others look clean. suns out no rain here in ma. so just grow half plant as long as possible???
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    got this bag seed out back, one of those long flower ones, its starting to get mold on the dense colas, going to have to take down, all clear things,no cloudy, 50 pecerent brown hairs, Question will this do anything for me simper fi
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    any trick to check for water

    there a couple weeks in flower, small plants with a lot of super cropping, in 2 gal pots so this is a test to see if i can fill up a 3 x 3 foot area with 9 pots under a 400 watt hps, so repoting would defite my goal, where do i find thesebotanists, YOU KIDS! SIMPER FI
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    any trick to check for water

    having hard time knowing need for water, when top gets all dried out? weight of pot ? wilting? mabey let them wilt check how heavy it feels and when watered. they say no dumb question mabey this is one simper fi
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    is now the time

    is there a difference in the effect
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    is now the time

    all cloudy things, is now the time to cut, afgahan kush simper fi
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