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  1. N

    Cloudy trichs but plant buds do not look ready? Please help!

    I would def say to let go another 2-3 weeks! Still need to tighten up a bit!
  2. N

    Blue Haze. Almost Finished?

    Looks like you need to lay of the nuts a little. your leaves are browning at the edges a sign of nute burn! I would say you have about 10-14 days left before cutting. You have some hairs and small leaves that are startying to just get a shade of purple.. Switch to pure water in 7 days and then...
  3. N

    How many of you can tell if flowers are ready by look???

    Just wondering... I have had a lot of experience... I have probably in my hay days seen somewhere in the neighborhood of 25,000-40,000 pounds of harvested bud! Most AK47, M39(what they called it) and a few others... I look at the "hairs" Trichomes" and the thickness / density of the buds.. Has...
  4. N

    Clone Question.... Very Strange....

    I have a few clones that I cut and unfortunately the plant had just went into flower when I took them! I know this should make them root faster but, take longer to revert back to Veg. growth. But these ones have been out of soil and into 16oz cups for about 3 1/2 weeks. Picked up on the cup and...
  5. N

    Would these lightbulbs be enough?

    WOw, I really can not beleive people have to ask some of these questions!.......$40 for a 105watt cfl.... you can get 26 watt cfls's for $7.00 a pair! thats 104 watts for $14.00! why would you want to spend 3-4X that much for the same amount of light??
  6. N

    help with cfl's

    why would u want 220v setup??
  7. N

    Why Use CFL's instead of Flourescent tubes?

    I am from when they did not have CFL's... Just wondering what the big push is to use the CFL's instead of 18" / 24" 48" Tubes? Unless I am wrong and I could be, 2 X 48" tubes seems as though it would give of more light than say 3-4 100Watt CFL Bulbs ? and with them being in a fixture, all light...
  8. N

    No One ever replies and I ask some of the simplest questions

    Yup! Sure sounds like a DickSucker to me!! If you read the post, or maybe you cant read, I dont know, I was joking hence the 'Wah Wah" And to be honest, I have probable seen and grown more than you ever will I was just trying to refresh my memory because it has been a while! If that was the...
  9. N

    First Grow - HARVEST TIME (pics)

    I hope you are a woman like yor plant or you have some explaing to do about the toe and fingernails! LOL
  10. N

    What do I have here? total noob first timer

    Yeh she looks like a woman! But hard to tell for sure from pics!
  11. N

    Is it time for me to transplant?

    I do npt think it has anything to do with how wide the leafs are if that was the case then I have some in 5 gal buckets that would need 35gal buckets!! You are good until you see roots staring to eclipse and come out the holes in the bottom of the pot.
  12. N

    HOw much potency would you lose if harvested 2 weeks early Rep given freely

    I think mine might have to be pulled early! a few of my outside guys are just now starting to flower and by the way things are looking and the padt around here, I am going to have a bout 6 weeks at best before 1st frost! I guess I am going to have to bucket them and pull in if the frost goes...
  13. N

    No One ever replies and I ask some of the simplest questions

    I do not understand, I ask simple questions to see if what I am thinking is correct and no one replies! Every other post around it has 4,10,19 replies and my posts......1 Wah, Wah, Wah, Wah
  14. N

    How big should my babies be when I set them free outdoors?

    Just wondering, I am going to do a nice little outdoor Gorilla next summer... Just want to know if there is a certain size before releasing them? I am going to let them get some sunlight for 2-3 weeks (few hrs each day) before letting go but I was figuring on getting them to 10-14" before...
  15. N

    What CFL Bulbs are best

    I am using 24" and 48" T-12 Flourescents I see they have the bulbs that say "plant and aquarium" are these the ones to buy? or just go with one 2700 and one 6500 in each fixture and be done with it? Thanks Nine
  16. N

    Where to find baggies?

    OMG just go to the store and buy 100 for $2.99
  17. N

    Clones.....20hrs a day or 24hrs a day?

    I have read a lot on both theories! Which one do you think works better? 20 hours of light a day and 4 off, or 24hrs a day constant? I know light causes photosynthesis but some beleive the 4 hour rest helps them become stronger???
  18. N

    4 weeks old, how much bigger will they get?

    My outdoors are just about 3 weeks into flower and look about the same as yours! Those will never finish in 3-4 weeks! Looks like about 6-8 weeks out! Where are you located? Might have to put in buckets and bring in under lights for 2-3 weeks @ 12/12
  19. N

    UH OH, we've got a major problem. GIRDLE STEM ROT. HELP!

    What about cutting the lower branches off and repotting with 6 extra inches of soil to get that weak part under so it is not supporting the weight of the plant?