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  1. jwn

    Who Do You Think Is/Was The Greatest Stoner Band Ever!?

    uim2jZHZ3YU QGQHL0t_uyU
  2. jwn

    Web Design Software - Who's Got A Recomendation

    I have no experience with Atom servers, I imagine they would make decent mail servers/firewalls/dhcp/dns servers but outside of that realm I wouldn't put too much stock in a low end cpu for server duties. I think they will find a market for home servers/media file servers. *Edit* I failed to...
  3. jwn

    Web Design Software - Who's Got A Recomendation

    I'd like to lend a hand to the people unable to weed out the crap in this thread for lack of knowledge. I have been in the IT business for over 15 years and have hosted with many different providers over the past decade (Co-location and Dedicated.) The best advice was the poster telling you to...
  4. jwn

    The King James Bible predicts Judgment day May 21, 2011

    Uh, It takes 365 1/4 days to make a full revolution around the Sun for the Earth. That is what a year is measured by and this has been observed. Let's not forget to mention a year is relative to the distance a planet is from the Sun so the closer a planet is the shorter amount of time it takes...
  5. jwn

    RIU Guitar Lovers Pic Post

    I'm interested to see what guitars the players here have. I currently own two and have been playing for about 3 years. My Acoustic is a Yamaha APX500 Electro Acoustic and My Electric Guitar is a Epiphone Les Paul Standard.
  6. jwn

    Stop Leaving Your Tips on Credit Cards

    I hate tipping for the simple fact you get conned into it by the cheap ass restaurant owners and people who bitch about "cheap asses." They should make minimum wage and if it is such a crunch on the owners pocket then he can up the costs of meals a few bucks. Not stiff the servers on wage and...
  7. jwn

    Do you cover your bowl after you hit?

    I cover it with my thumb after every hit as well simply because I am guilty of hitting it then getting lost in my mind for a moment not realising the bowl is still smouldering. Little bit off topic but a peeve of mine is people who have to swirl the lighter and burn up all the green with their...
  8. jwn

    Calling all computer wizards!

    I also forgot to mention most companies will pay for your certification tests as well once you are hired in.
  9. jwn

    PC or MAC ???

    I'm well aware of the 3rd party cables that are out now but when the generation 1 and 2 ipods were out there was no alternative besides the apple store.
  10. jwn

    Calling all computer wizards!

    What are you trying to get into? Networking, Desktop Support/engineering, network security? Do you have any IT experience? The IT field is always hiring, I haven't had a hard time finding jobs in the field. If you are new to the IT industry I would recommend getting your A+ first, that's a...
  11. jwn

    PC or MAC ???

    PC all the way. I despise macs and anything apple anymore, everything is proprietary and overpriced. Macs use to be ahead in the multimedia market for CGI animation and the likes but I don't even know if that holds true anymore these days. Mac enthusiast are an interesting breed as they like to...
  12. jwn

    Calling all computer wizards!

    I work in the industry. I have A+, Network + and Server+ thinking about taking my Security+ as well. What questions do you have Johnny Organic?
  13. jwn

    If you're in the service industry.

    You make $20 an hour to bring people their food and roll silverware? Thanks for the info, I'm done tipping now.
  14. jwn

    Thing I love or Like a Whole Lot

    I love sitting outside at night with a clear sky gazing at the stars I love getting stoned while looking at the stars thinking of all the what ifs and unknowns I love playing guitar I love laying in bed and smelling freshly cleaned sheets I love the woods/nature I love good food I love people...
  15. jwn

    Very Stupid Question But Ima Ask It!

    When I start up seedlings I put the dirt in the starter cups, water it, then stick a pencil in it to make the hole and drop the seed in it. If you plant the seed then water it, it can either push it down too far or push it to the top. Also, if you are growing indoors never stick your...
  16. jwn

    Director of CIA gives intel reprt to Pres. Obama about possible Nuclear attack on NYC

    I guess I read it a different way. To me they are saying "We have dabbled with the idea of setting off a nuclear bomb in a well populated area in order to scare the people into giving up more of their 'freedoms' while giving an adrenaline shot to the war machine/police state and moronic...
  17. jwn

    Your Most Embarrassing Moment?

    I was a sophomore in High school at a wrestling tournament. My girlfriend at the time was the stat girl who would always go with the team and write all the statistics down and such. I was about to walk onto the mat for the 3rd place match when she pulled me aside to give me a little "good luck"...
  18. jwn

    How Do You Roll?

    I don't mix anything with mine, just bud. I use to do the W or M trick people are referring to as "filters" but the only reason to do that is if you are rolling too big of joints or rolling them too tight. To achieve these "filters" I would cut a little strip off the paper casing flap. Since my...
  19. jwn

    Getting a Divorce

    This is good advice from see4. Some of us have been in your shoes and let me say that if you don't find something to occupy your time you will just wallow in your misery. Take this as a learning experience to improve yourself and focus on doing things you have always wanted to try. The pain will...
  20. jwn

    havent smoked weed in over a month...STILL FAILING UA!!! WTF!!!!??

    Are you coming up positive or diluted?