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  1. jwn

    Lights out - 8:30 P.M (60 Earth hour)

    Hah, ya let's turn off our lights for 1 hour to save the planet. Meanwhile, in Japan radiation is still pouring out from the reactors and oil from the gulf spill is still washing up on the shores.
  2. jwn

    NEWS: U.S. Fires tomahawk missles - U.S Tomahawk Missles hit Libya

    First, I never claimed to have the answer, just that war is not the answer. I think if the Libyan people lives are that atrocious and they feel the need to overthrow their government then they can toe to line and carry that burden themselves. We aren't over there lending a hand because we are...
  3. jwn

    NEWS: U.S. Fires tomahawk missles - U.S Tomahawk Missles hit Libya

    I'm confused... Aren't we thwarting off the "rebels" in Iraq and Afghanistan (also dubbed as Al Qeada) while now assisting these "rebels" in Libya? We have no need to be over there in the middle east and now we are at war with Libya. Who is next? The fact people here actually support these...
  4. jwn

    NEWS: U.S. Fires tomahawk missles - U.S Tomahawk Missles hit Libya

    I like the asterisk at the bottom of that map "Spain has offered the use of its Moron Air Base.."
  5. jwn

    What Seeds Do You Have?

    White Widow x15 Sour Diesel x10 Juicy Fruit x5 Kush x10 Hash Queen x4 Northern Lights x2 Purps x12 (shit stinks way too much for me) HQxPurp x11 (Accidental Cross, it kept the purps smell) Crystal x2 White Rhino...
  6. jwn

    Grow up or Grown up?? POLL

    I'll toke to that my friend.
  7. jwn

    Grow up or Grown up?? POLL

    28 here, have had some interesting adventures in my life up to this point, though it seems those have been few and far between in the past few years. I've had my share of experiences and the only thing I can say I learned from them is that I know absolutely nothing.
  8. jwn

    Aussie's getting told to holiday in CALIFORNIA

    Snow Crash, I'm in the process of moving from the midwest out to portland this summer and would like to get some details on the area. If you wouldn't mind sharing some details on the area I'd appreciate (such as decent areas to live and things you must do.) I thought there wasn't any state...
  9. jwn

    Walmart drug testing..

    I disagree with both of you and demand you both duel it out to the death in a mad max thunder-dome with sporks. Two-Men-Enter-One-Man-Leaves!
  10. jwn

    Crazy night at AsuzA Canyon in cali, saw a fucking ghost!

    I'm on-board with the pony on this one. To the ghost believers, what is the criteria to become a ghost? Unfinished business, Solve a tormented souls murder? If so, what is the point when you are already dead? To roam around aimlessly in a designated area only to have people catch a glimpse of...
  11. jwn

    Your Favorite Lines From A song

    The Positive Aspect of Negative Thinking: Let's gather 'round the carcass of the old deflated beast, We have seen it through the accolades and rested in its lea, Syntactic is our elegance, incisive our disease, The swath endogenous of ourselves will be our quandary. We've nestled in its...
  12. jwn

    Lets see your best chili recipes ...tons of great cooks here lets see your stuff HOTT

    1-2 pounds ground beef .5 - 1 pound bulk Italian sausage 3 cans red kidney beans 1 can chili beans in spicy sauce 2 cans stewed tomatoes 1 can tomato sauce 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste...
  13. jwn

    This shooter in Arizona--"pot smoker"

    Dumbest post in RIU history, congrats! I mean seriously, you just said "a good number" of homeless people are mental cases that are violent and they are homeless because they are mentally ill.... Do you personally know a good number of homeless people and all of their stories? That's like saying...
  14. jwn

    Who was the worst criminal in history?

    Hands down who ever is responsible for the anthropocentric god that people like to kill in the name of. Not to mention all the people he kills with all these natural disasters, talk about a prick.
  15. jwn

    Weed & the military

    As an ex military person who was kicked out for toking up I can tell you not to do it. Sure, I had some close relationships with some great guys but we ALL hated the fucking military in my section. What got me through my deployment was a luck of the draw with my NCOIC being an old hippie who was...
  16. jwn

    How much shit do you have to put up with?

    I'm not a big guy but I found a loophole in thwarting off asshats in public areas. My weapon of choice.... Terrorist Beard. Sure, the ladies won't exactly be lining up outside your door but no one bothers you when your packing the beard with a glare etched from the stone of death. The trick is...
  17. jwn

    My thoughts of life.

    We are messengers of memory, just whispers in time.
  18. jwn

    Climbing a 1,768 foot Tower

    Had this video being passed around the office today, figured I would share it here. It's a helmet cam video of a guy climbing a transmission tower. At first I thought it wasn't too bad then by the end I'm thinking screw that shit...
  19. jwn

    I need to look older quick

    Join some local poker leagues to practice your live game before you decide to drop some serious cash in vegas and out smart the system. You need to practice how to disguise your tells and pick up on others. I despise FT and yes, it is rigged to an extent. Anyone with a brain that plays there...