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  1. M

    Harvesting.....after a few days i get this grassy smell

    actually he said 3.5 months which is 14 weeks which sounds plenty long enough to me
  2. M

    lowryder, lowlife or buddha?

    i haven't tried these yet but they have some named varieties and seem to be cheaper than any others i could find.
  3. M

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    hayduke, I was using the analogy of someone else. They were pointing out how weed shouldn't be free just like produce shouldn't be free. Does it actually cost 1000 times more to grow weed? Short answer is no it doesn't! And around here $10 a gram is street prices, anything more is robbery...
  4. M

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    When I go to the grocery store I seldom see anything priced at $4000 a pound. There was that time when there was a bad hurricane and tomatoes went to like $5 a pound and I was like wtf what a rip off. So how do you think it's realistic that it should cost thousands of dollars to grow a pound...
  5. M

    dwarf plants?????

    I just got my first electric bill since starting and its about $8 more than average :) I have started saving power in other ways though, I used to leave my 750w computer with 500w speakers on all the time but now I turn them off when I'm not using them that's gotta be worth something :D my...
  6. M

    dwarf plants?????

    I started 5 and only 4 made it, I only took pics of the 2 best ones. I still have a little bit of space left in the closet so I got a few lowryder seeds I just started so they might mature around the same time. And I don't know where you live but in Canada electricity usually isn't too...
  7. M

    90+ DEGREES! in 800w Super Lemon Haze Closet Grow

    I heard that strains from mandala seeds are all heat resistant so I'm going to try them next time.
  8. M

    dwarf plants?????

    Yeah it looks like it might be lack of light, unless its just weird genetics? I guess it doesn't hurt to flower it, but I really don't know much except I have done quite a lot of reading. Try posting again in the indoor forum, maybe someone there will know more.
  9. M

    dwarf plants?????

    Yeah I've heard you can start flowering right away if you really want but I assume that cuts down your yield a lot. I'm not much help since I've never grown before but from what I've read 4 week veg and 6 week veg are both pretty popular. And I think if you are starting with clones it takes...
  10. M

    dwarf plants?????

    And thanks! It's my first time so I was hoping I didn't start flowering too early, but I also don't really want them getting too tall so I think it was an ok time to start since they are going to keep growing for the next 2 months or so until they're done.
  11. M

    dwarf plants?????

    one 1000w HPS
  12. M

    dwarf plants?????

    These are 5 weeks from when the seeds were planted. They just started flowering 2 days ago. Super Lemon Haze on the left and Big Bud on the right.
  13. M

    dwarf plants?????

    Oh, I thought you meant auto flower cause I have seen some auto seeds called dwarfs. I have heard you can grow any seed from 12/12 but I would say you should wait a few weeks like you said, unless your space is extremely limited.
  14. M

    90+ DEGREES! in 800w Super Lemon Haze Closet Grow

    How are they holding up to the heat so far? Are you timing your light cycle around the hottest times of day? Where I live it doesn't usually get hot until around noon so having the lights on 10pm-10am or even 12am-12pm is best to keep temps down. I have one SLH that I just started flowering...
  15. M

    dwarf plants?????

    Are you talking about auto-flowering seeds? They will flower no matter what the light cycle is, just give them a nice place to grow.
  16. M

    Good Idea Or Bad Idea?

    on mandala's site they advise against the paper towel method as well. nobody seems to have a problem with it though!
  17. M

    Am I permanently fucked?

    that is a very strange reaction to weed. are you sure it wasn't laced with pcp or something? i would think you should be fine but maybe you should stay away from drugs! and you are most definitely alive! :fire:
  18. M

    Super Silver Haze, "Green House seeds" OR "Sensi seeds"

    the plant on the right is big bud from sensi, so im thinking both companies probably have some good seeds :) i would go with the cheaper one!
  19. M

    Super Silver Haze, "Green House seeds" OR "Sensi seeds"

    the plant on the left is super lemon haze from GHS at 38 days old. SLH is a cross between super silver haze and lemon skunk i believe so not quite the same but so far so good with the GHS haze!
  20. M

    30 days old how do they look?

    these ar 38 days old, big bud on the right and super lemon haze on the left