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  1. D

    Yellowing and brown lower leaves

    How much How much Dr earth do you suggest I use for the tea would it be the same 2tbsp per gallon?!?!
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    Yellowing and brown lower leaves

    Hello I seem to have a problem with two of my vegging plants it seem as though they bottom leaves are yellowing and turning brown Now they are in 1 gallon pots right now with FF happy frog and getting top fed with dry amendments and only PJ's water under a mars hydro SP350. I am going...
  3. D

    Yellowing leaves

    His is the purple lemonade I am having trouble with week 10 from seed
  4. D

    Yellowing leaves

    This is second GG looks like at least another month and same age as last one
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    Yellowing leaves

    This is one GG ready for harvest
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    Yellowing leaves

    They are both at beginning of week 11 from seed, will post New pics of each plant Feeding about every 4 days or so, whenever pot feels dry. Last feed was at 850 PPM, using AN bloom and big bud. Growing in FFOF with 20-25% perlite Also using vander life 600w led
  7. D

    Yellowing leaves

    Newbie here first grow, 2 GG#4 autos 1 purple lemonade. Fabric pots for w/perlite 600w led AN bloom and big bud. Only having trouble with the purple it looks like there's some yellow leaves but it I turn off led and check with regular light with no purple leds on it looks ok with no yellowing...
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    Something eating my leaves

    I just started using Natria Insecticidal soap and I been checking everyday for bugs and I have yet to see any been checking underside with magnifying glass too.
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    Something eating my leaves

  10. D

    Something eating my leaves

    So I just noticed that some of the leaves on my plants are starting to be eaten but can't identify what it is as I have not actually seen the bugs. I have been regularly check the underside of the leaves. I have been trying the tomato leaf spray but it obviously is not working I just ordered...
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    Help with EC not sure where to be?!

    Thanks for the advice will do!
  12. D

    Help with EC not sure where to be?!

    New grower here looking to find some suggestions on where my EC should be at. Currently growing 2 GG#4 and 1 purple lemonade 2x2x5 tent 600a led. Currently at 5 and a half weeks please help!!!
  13. D

    Thanks I did notice even though I messed it up some it looks like she's recovering, my other...

    Thanks I did notice even though I messed it up some it looks like she's recovering, my other plant I just did my first LEG no topping
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    I think I screwed up while topping

    I think I screwed up while topping
  15. D

    Yellowing and low growth- cant tell exactly why.

    Was also adred 4ML/gal cal mag plus
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    Yellowing and low growth- cant tell exactly why.

    I am growing in FFOF/25% permits in 3 gallon fabric pots , 2x2 tent 4" ventilation system with carbon filter, 1 small non oscillating fan pointed at wall and 1 Vicodin oscillating tent fan 600w vander life led 16 inches from plant 18/6 Water with 6.5ph'd water about every three days 1qt to 1\2...
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    Yellowing and low growth- cant tell exactly why.

    I am having I believe the exact same issue with my 1st grow. I couldn't have explained it any better myself I am in 3 gallon fabric pots FFOF and 25% extra perlite, 2x2 tent 4" ventilation system with carbon filter, 1 small non oscillating fan pointed at wall and 1 Vicodin oscillating tent fan...
  18. D

    Leaves yellowing, browning at tips, and curling up... fast.

    Having similar issue I am about 3 to 4 weeks in Growing 2 GG#4 lower leaves are yellow and brown tips curling up Been feeding with water ph'd at about 6.5 every 3 days small dose cal mag plus to 500ppm Soil ph 6.8 Light 16" from plant 4" ventilation system and 2 fans in grow tent for air...