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  1. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Can anyone help me out???
  2. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Hey guys heres some new pics of Isabella! lol i named her! :weed: So with the new 80mm pc fan installed the temp is down to around 72 with the lights on and 59 with the lights off is that to cold? Hows she look?
  3. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    ok thanks Chaze ill hold off on it for awhile
  4. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Also when can or should i start adding Nutes now???
  5. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Ok so 1 week since i planted her and she's got her first set of leaves!! I put in an 80mm pc fan for circulation that should help strengthen her stem and cut the temp down to where i want it. How does she look???? Please comment :peace:
  6. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Thanks Dog yea im pretty stoked to see her pop out! I took the shell off and transplanted her cant wait for her first leaves! Ive heard nirvana is good i think ill deff get some for my next grow! Ill post pics up tonight!!:weed:
  7. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Hey thanks man yea it would suck to end up with a male... i just dont know if i trust those seed companies?
  8. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Please anyone that could help with these questions would be most appreciated!?!?! thank you
  9. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Thanks Man! Yea i havent watered in a couple days and i guess i got a little carried away :mrgreen: What about my temp its at 80 and the shell is still on the plant is that ok???
  10. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Can someone please tell me if there is a way to drop the temp and if i need to be worried about the shell still being on the plant??
  11. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Alright so day 2 after planting and she's out of the soil!!! Should i switch to 18/6 now or keep it on 24/0 and i have a slight temp prob too its staying at a constant 80*F im workin on getting an intake fan will that help??? And should the shell still be on the plant???
  12. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    She sprouted and sill has the shell on is that bad??? Will post pics up tonight...
  13. Italian89

    New Amp Stealth Grow Box! Need Tips!?

    ok nixed this idea not enough room check out the new one!!
  14. Italian89

    Pc grow question

    Check out my grow journal and look at my filter i modified this one that i found using paperclip baskets instead of pencil cups hope it helps You could prolly invert it and it wouldnt take up much room in the case
  15. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    yea ive read that the dark period also gives the plants a chance to rest i dont know how credible that is lol but yea i will deff switch to 24/0 till the sprout thanks
  16. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Thanks man yea everyone on here is really cool about helpin out.:mrgreen: So should i leave the lights on 24/0 cuz i have them on 18/6 right now
  17. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Thanks ill hold off on the nutes then for a couple of weeks, this is my first grow so i do appreciate the tips I feel like the best way to learn is to exp it first hand My next grow ill use a better medium without a lot of nutes in it
  18. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    k ill mist the top thanks I know that a lot of growers dont like it but i used miracle grow potting soil i cant wait to see those little leaves!!!
  19. Italian89

    Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal

    Whens the best time to water again? Should i wait till the top is dry or until the whole thing is dry?
  20. Italian89


    Man i wish my state would get there head outta there ass and stop this prohibition havin a card would be so much better than trying to hide it!