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  1. raindog

    Seed germination question

    Thanks! I have five day to go then. I have had better luck before and just paper toweled them with tap water. BTW the rapid rooters hold water like crazy. I don't like his and will in the future plant seeds directly into coco. Five days in with my first real connoisseur dutch seeds and...
  2. raindog

    Seed germination question

    Hello, Five days ago I started 9 Femed Jack Flash #5's, from seed, from Sensei seeds. 6 sprouted in paper towel> moved to rapid rooter plugs> 4 have emerged so far and are doing well. I have the remaining 3 seeds still in paper towel over a low heat source. Is this usual that this many sprout...
  3. raindog

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Quick question all. I hear some of you prefer "Yellow-bottle foliar" to Magic Green. I'd like to look into this more but can't seem to find Yellow Bottle that is just for foliar?? As one would MG - ie not just for veg or bloom, but as a general tonic, perhaps with a bit of iron. Any...
  4. raindog

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Ok Great and thanks. How do I know my ppm for phosphorous? I have a blue lab combo meter to check overall ppm. So maybe treat the new veg plants that will have less P with the mycorrhizae. Will this be of benefit? The reason I may go with the 2 gal pots is that this is a hydro gro...
  5. raindog

    Benificial Microbes In Hydro?

    hygrozyme and some cal/mag only as add ons.
  6. raindog

    Benificial Microbes In Hydro?

    Well I want to add more and better fungi. No H2O2 in any way. Just the chems that are in H G line, as in most not-organic lines.
  7. raindog

    Benificial Microbes In Hydro?

    Hi All! Is there any point in adding nitrogen fixing microbes or other beneficial microbes to a chemical based line of hydro nutes (H&G)? Maybe early in Veg? I'm doing a 50/50 coco/perlite in 2 gal smart pots set in lava cinders. I have heard great things about Mykos and Azos but don't want to...
  8. raindog

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Ok HG fans. Is there any point in adding nitrogen fixing microbes or other beneficial microbes to the HG line? Maybe early in Veg? I'm doing a 50/50 coco/perlite in 2 gal smart pots set in lava cinders. I have heard great things about Mykos and Azos but don't want to be foolish as this is...
  9. raindog


    On this thread I heard only one mention of perlite instead of hydroton. Anything wrong with coarse perlite? I'm planning on doing my 12/12 with nine plants in 2 gal smart pots (coco/perlite), ebb and flo on a 4 x 4 tray, setting the pots in 4" of ??... hydroton (yeicks), lava rock (cheap), or...
  10. raindog

    Getting My Veg/ Mother Tent Together.

    Do you mean the 2x4 tray idea? Or separating the plants fert solution? Shit I want to be stoned!!! I have 10 femed Jack Flash #5's on the way, one Siberian White seed (white widow x AK 47) and ten free seeds (??). I'm growing some bag seed now just testing methods and such. Reading...
  11. raindog

    Interrupting Light During Lights On Period.

    Right on! That's what I was hoping they would think..genetically that is:)
  12. raindog

    Getting My Veg/ Mother Tent Together.

    Hi again, Here's what I am thinking and please advise me. Thanks! I tentatively plan on veging clones for up to three weeks in a 2x4 tent. Also using this 18/6 space for 2 mothers. I will have two lights that I can hang at different heights as moms will be taller. I would like to have...
  13. raindog

    Interrupting Light During Lights On Period.

    Yes i plan on getting one of these green lights for dark period. What about lights on period.. will a little less light for a short time induce herms, flowering etc? I can do all the plant work during lights out but still need to know about lights on. Thanks again.
  14. raindog

    Interrupting Light During Lights On Period.

    Hi, I was wondering if turning off the 600 HPS during lights on would effect growth negatively, or as negatively, as during the dark period. Reason here is, it would be better stealth wise for me to just turn off the grow light and work on the plants with normal house lighting. Maybe up to 30...
  15. raindog

    coco pot question

    Thank Yo. I'll give them a try. I like the idea of no transplant shock ..maybe I'll do some in coco pots and some using regular pots and note any growth differences. BTY do you use coco as a growing medium too? If so, do you first treat the coco with cal/mag? Thanks.
  16. raindog

    coco pot question

    Aloha! Hey I read here that someone vegs in 6 in. coco pots and then goes into flower after putting these pots in 2 gal smart pots, ebb and flow. A 50/50 mix of coco and large perlite is the mix in both veg and flw. These are set in 3 in. of hydroton in the ebb tray. Anyway the dude had...
  17. raindog

    coco pot question

    Aloha! Hey I read here that someone vegs in 6 in. coco pots and then goes into flower after putting these pots in 2 gal smart pots, ebb and flow. A 50/50 mix of coco and large perlite is the mix in both veg and flw. These are set in 3 in. of hydroton in the ebb tray. Anyway the dude had...
  18. raindog

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    They have an EC chart they give to dealers and for all of us (I don't have as a e-file). Go to the HG site and call the HG number. Ask for Rob. I got immediate good info and samples as well. Rob's follow up email was timely as well. Main web site:
  19. raindog

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Hey just noticed this! Be careful with a "sticker" as this will clog the stomata and is used in landscape situations only where you don't want the irrigation to wash off the product too soon. Use just a surfactant to break the surface tension and spread the product. There are also...
  20. raindog

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Just phoned HG and simply ask if they were still doing "sample packs"?? The tech said that they do but are now charging for shipping ($13.00). Cool enough for me. HG doesn't give a ppm on the online nute calculator and I must phone them about this. I would like to use Mad Farmer instead of...