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  1. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    It's been a long journey friends, but I've finally reached the end! Because of the water curing all my buds are ready to be smoked. Supposedly they are as smooth as if I had cured them for a month. Unfortunately almost all of the smell and fruity taste were removed in the process, but I have no...
  2. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Hey guys, some crazy shit went down last week. Long story short I had no other choice but to cut the girls down immediately. I cut them down on the 25th, they weighed in at 117 grams. Because of the immediate chop and my need to travel with the finished harvest I used the water cure method. I...
  3. newbgrower123

    My first ever grow in closet

    They're coming along nicely. Just be careful about letting them get too close to the light. Good job!
  4. newbgrower123

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    So how was that AK smoke? Cerebral, couch lock? I'm quite curious as it's probably the only thing I'll be smoking for some time.
  5. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Haha thanks boneman. It's not quite as big as the baseball bat, but that's probably because I LST'd them. Next time I'm just going to leave them alone so I get that nice huge main cola!
  6. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Little over 6 1/2 weeks into flower...can't stop staring at her ::drools::
  7. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Thanks for the feedback man. I wasn't planning on harvest them now, December 7th is the planned date. Glad to hear you think they'll be ready! I'm going to be going away for a few days next week and they might get a day or two's wilted, do you think that will drastically affect yield/potency?
  8. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Thanks man, do you think they'll be ready by the 7th?
  9. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Day: 93 Flower: 45 Here's a full set of pics of the girls, front view, top view, and close-up bud shot. Pictures 1-3 are Joy, 4-6 Sinsemilla, 7-8 Chimichanga It's starting to come down to the home stretch. I'm a little worried about whether or not the girls will be ready when I need to...
  10. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    So several weeks ago the tip of one of my buds got burned by growing too close to the light. A few weeks later three separate buds have formed around the old burnt one. Thought that was pretty cool!
  11. newbgrower123

    Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

    Lookin good eggo. Growth will really start to take off soon now that the roots are coming out. I'm growing AK47 too right now. I'm a little over a month into flowering in soil, these russian girls really know how to sparkle :)
  12. newbgrower123

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    Yea from what I've read there's no way you could get results like that with just CFL's. Looks great tho boneman! What's the earliest you think you'll be able to test the buds out?
  13. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Day 84 Flowering: 36 Days Borrowed my friend's camera for some nice macro bud shots. Mostly of Sinsemilla and Chimichanga.
  14. newbgrower123

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    Those close-ups are making my mouth water. I hope my AK's come out half as good as your girl.
  15. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    It's just some cheap air purifier I got at walmart for like $30. From what I've read they're not harmful to plants but beneficial. I heard that if you have one too powerful in your grow room that not only does it kill all the smell but it takes the taste out of the buds too.
  16. newbgrower123

    AK47 From Serious Seeds - Start To Finish

    Hey I have some serious seeds ak47 flowering right now too with a similar set up. I don't think you'll be disappointed with these guys.
  17. newbgrower123

    AK-47 Fall/Winter Attic Grow 2008

    Yea the AK tend to show pre-flowers. I got preflowers on 3 out of 6 of my plants
  18. newbgrower123

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    Can't wait to see how your harvest turns out. I won't have any huge buds like yours since I LST'd them but I'm hoping to get some good sized ones too :)
  19. newbgrower123

    Serious Seeds AK-47 Closet Grow

    Day 79 Flowering: 31 days Here's some pics of sinsemilla. She definitely has the best looking buds out of the bunch so far. The girls still don't smell all that much, which is really surprising from what I've heard about this strain. I think it's probably due to the air purifier/negative ion...
  20. newbgrower123

    Burned the tip of my bud! Do I leave it?

    Couldn't smell it at all actually