Search results

  1. sirsmokesawholelot

    Whiteberry CFL Stealth Grow

    I have foliar fed in the past and don't do it anymore, in veg or bloom, and don't notice any difference. If you are using HPS or MH then you can burn the leaves when misting during the day but I don't think it's as much of a problem with CFLs, plus it's a lot cheaper to replace a CFL if it...
  2. sirsmokesawholelot

    My First Grow: 2 weeks.. A couple questions

    how often are you watering those? How far away are the lights from the plants?
  3. sirsmokesawholelot

    7th week of flowering..should I trim some leaves? need quicker harvest (WITH PICS)

    Goddammit Grandparents! That is an absolute travesty that you have to cut those, they are looking great. Don't trim any leaves, it's what collects all the light. Plus, light actually degrades THC so having them block the lower buds isn't a bad thing always. When you do harvest, there will...
  4. sirsmokesawholelot

    first pc grow..

    yeah dude, those cfl's can get pretty hot that close up. try keeping a temp gauge close to the top of the plant, always. Are you using the computer fan for ventilation? you might want to change that up when it gets better.
  5. sirsmokesawholelot

    posting a video tell me what i need to do!!!

    maybe you can just list everything out so we can break it down with you. what kind of dirt? what kind of ventilation, etc?? looks good dude. here's a pic from my last grow that ended in june.
  6. sirsmokesawholelot

    Leggy seedlings: What to do with them?

    I concur with Brick Top up there, air movement will help that out and keep them from falling over once they start packing on the pounds! And you know how we all love those fat bitches! MMM fat girls!
  7. sirsmokesawholelot

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    Dinobelly, get out of here and stop giving hippie love advice with no actual help. After seeing your posts, I feel compelled to actually help this guy. Don't take off the leaves unless they are falling off, ever. If you run your finger across it and it falls off, then take it off. When the...
  8. sirsmokesawholelot

    The narcotics officers came in, took my stash and left

    i'll report back when i find out more.
  9. sirsmokesawholelot

    Need ice need ice need ice need ice need ice......... HARVEST TIME SALE @ HOME DEPOT!

    WTF are you talking about? Is everyone out there making hash with a goddamn washing machine these days?
  10. sirsmokesawholelot

    Indoor Dream Grow Room Ideas????? Here are the rules.

    Someone has plenty of indoor space, but here's the catch 64 square feet or less? UH, WTF? And who in their right mind would put 99 plants in an 8'x8' space? Can someone please move this thread to the newbie central? How do you like it when someone treads on your crappy thread?
  11. sirsmokesawholelot

    6x43w=258 6500k CFL Veg. 6x43w=258 2700k CFL Flower

    To dinobelly (the guy who rags on everybody for everything): This is it? This is your grow? You started your first grow in the middle of 2008 in an apartment and you want to give everyone shitty little quips on their pages when they're asking for help? Look at my buds and then look at yours...
  12. sirsmokesawholelot

    Question about seeds - specifically Attitude bank

    Attitude categorizes their seeds in a number of different ways, and a lot of seeds are repeated in the different categories. They have a category for White Widow, Diesel, Afghan, etc. These categories show different seed breeders who used that type of cannabis in their genetics, so you might...
  13. sirsmokesawholelot

    The narcotics officers came in, took my stash and left

    HA! That's funny dude, I probably would have tossed a couple of em if I knew I'd get away scott free! I know Serapis, this sounds weird to me too. My lawyer said since I've never been in any serious trouble, I own my house, and I have a business, that I probably didn't go to jail because I...
  14. sirsmokesawholelot

    The narcotics officers came in, took my stash and left

    No idea, they said I would hear from them in about 6 months!! My lawyer has never seen anything like this, nobody I know has ever seen this before. My lawyer said it's hard to prove five pounds is for personal use, but I don't know what they are calling it. I don't know about running from the...
  15. sirsmokesawholelot

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express DWC

    If the plant yellows or looks bad, it's because of something you did at least a few days ago. If your nutes are there now and the pH is good, give it a couple days and don't freak out, stop messing with the nutes and pH and give it a week. They should start to look better in the next couple days.
  16. sirsmokesawholelot

    The narcotics officers came in, took my stash and left

    No lights were on, I had just finished the grow and was going to head to Colorado after I had my house put back together. I was wondering if they didn't take any equipment because everything was already cut. They knew I was growing, but I don't know how. My lawyer said that the search warrant...
  17. sirsmokesawholelot

    The narcotics officers came in, took my stash and left

    I have a lawyer on retainer, he called and the Agent said he used consent to search instead of the search warrant. The lawyer thinks it could be a good thing as the rules are different from consent to a warrant. It looks like I'm in the same state you are Dirtfree.
  18. sirsmokesawholelot

    The narcotics officers came in, took my stash and left

    I looked into their posts and they wouldn't understand where a guy like me is coming from. At this level, there is no one to snitch on, but I doubt they are the type of people who will ever understand something like that. And where does tough guy talk come from a rainbow bright boy?
  19. sirsmokesawholelot

    The narcotics officers came in, took my stash and left

    The state narcotics officers came in about three months ago, took about five pounds of hydro that I had just cut down and then left. They came to the door with a warrant that had my name and was signed by a judge, I didn't look at the date. They told me to be nice or they would mess up my...
  20. sirsmokesawholelot

    8x8 growtent, CO2, 3,600 W HPS. Need input from veterans.

    Thanks for the input wonderblunder, I checked out your grow journal. Do you have any updated pics? Not trying to knock AN, but your pics don't do much to make me think AN are worth it.