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  1. Virulent Amoeba

    Lowryder #2 guessing game.

    27 not the number I would choose but that number is taken.
  2. Virulent Amoeba

    Make the flies go away!!

    you might give this a try! Beneficial Nematodes - Free Shipping
  3. Virulent Amoeba

    Welcome New Members!

    Been smoking almost as long as NORML(founded in 1970) has been around(don't you DARE call me old! haha). I have grown outside several of those years. Gonna try the indoor thing. Will have to get a Digi-Camera for documentation purposes. Had gotten tired of not having access to hi-quality...
  4. Virulent Amoeba

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    Correct, also all Extra packs of yeast do is get the bottle producing max CO2 faster! the same amount of total CO2 can be achieved with lest yeast, it would just take a little longer to get it to producing at 100% output. Adding more sugar/grain etc.(Starches of any sort) can extend the life of...
  5. Virulent Amoeba

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    While Alka seltzer may release SOME CO2 as the tabs disolve(not sure they even use CO2 as a disolving method.), the cost of continually popping Alka seltzer tabs in water will get REAL old and real costly. Compare that to 1-2 cups sugar a week..... well you do the math. 20 Alka seltzer Tabs...