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  1. thwack

    Germination Problems / Questions

    I will be using soil. Thanks for the input. If I need to use more seeds, I'll give your method a shot. Thanks for the input.
  2. thwack

    Baking your weed to increase potency

    I start vaping lower than that and have spent bud at 300-310. Get a definite answer before you try. Or... try it, and let us know.
  3. thwack

    Germination Problems / Questions

    Hey everyone, Was wondering if anyone had experience with Brainstorm (Fem.), from I'm germinating and it's been too long. One seed showed taproot, but then after two days, showed no progress, and actually got mushy/slimy, taproot fell off. I'm assuming that one is def. rotted...
  4. thwack

    1st grow. Criticism and advice please.

    I'll have to check those out. what is the heat like coming off the t5? I know it's supposed to be minimal, just wondering, cuz i'm using cfl's in house lamps and my closet when the door is closed gets up to around 85 degrees. I'm assuming about the same.
  5. thwack

    1st grow. Criticism and advice please.

    I hear a lot of good things about fox farm
  6. thwack

    1st grow. Criticism and advice please.

    uh... I'm thinking to use t5 for germ and early "seedling phase" / cloning. Then switching to mh/hps for veg and flower. As far as soil/nutes...still researching. these were just simple noobie MG and distilled water. so, not sure about that yet.
  7. thwack

    1st grow. Criticism and advice please.

    thanks. these were kind of the test of growing for me. Now, i'm going to purchase actual supplies and lights, etc. So everything should look better with next grow, instead of using house lamps :)
  8. thwack

    1st grow. Criticism and advice please.

    tell me what you think please. last two pics are thc bomb and afghan x mazar. started few weeks after first two plants.
  9. thwack


    Living in florida, you can put a couple of (clean) trash cans outside and the out of nowhere flash flood 10 minute rainstorms will give you plenty :)
  10. thwack

    same dealio on what? sorry. I think I missed something. If u meant the little plant. It's not...

    same dealio on what? sorry. I think I missed something. If u meant the little plant. It's not mine. I found it online. Just started flowering my own little one in a 2.5 oz cup instead of a 1 oz.
  11. thwack

    Really Need Help With Temp And Humidity Problem!!! Plzz!!

    Sounds fine. I've read that humidity during vegetative should be anywhere between 50-80%.
  12. thwack

    sand in soil, can it be da beach

    And there you go. No... because of the amount of salt in beach sand. Very bad.
  13. thwack


    It's still just a baby. You wont be able to tell sex until you've switched to the flowering stage.
  14. thwack

    Please Make An Addition To The Forum Rules.

    ??? (that mean's WTF) (oh, that is "what the f*ck")
  15. thwack

    Pic Update- THC Bomb, Afghan x Mazar, Bagseed

    Last pic is THC bomb, second to last pic is Afghan x Mazar. Rest of pics are my bagseed plants. Wondering what they are. I'm thinking possibly a sativa dominant strain. any advice/guesses would b great. THC bomb looks really weird too. Leaf development looks stunted. My tallest bagseed...
  16. thwack

    just say the police come over....

    Came back to this thread just to apologize for my ignorance of the meaning of the "4th" amendment. Happy tokin'!
  17. thwack

    just say the police come over....

    if it's a possibility that the cops are going to "come over", I wouldn't even try to grow indoors.
  18. thwack

    just say the police come over....

    under the impression that it was the "fifth amendment".
  19. thwack

    just say the police come over....

    "i plead the.....4th?!"
  20. thwack

    Indoor Afghan advice... (time-line/etc).

    Definitely take longer to break soil since seed wasn't germinated first. And might jus be me, but 2 inches down seems a bit far. I don't go past a half inch, and I've read other threads where people plant 2-5 mm. Try wrapping seed in wet paper towel, then place the towel in a sandwich bag, and...