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  1. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    hey Riu, sorry i hadnt had access to my computer but here is a pic of my babies... the one on the left i just used water about 2 quarts and same with the one on the right but with the one on the right i added 4 ounces of breast milk... and ill be posting more pics!
  2. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    OK! so i gave my plants breastmilk! and well all of you were right! haha not a good idea but i diluted it with water and the plant took off! as soon as i get my laptop fixed i will post pics. but hey i had to do it noone did it and now you guys now...
  3. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    i want to know if anyone has tried it or heard of it? if not ill be testing it
  4. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    you guys are all a bunch of haters! go ahead laugh no hard feelings.. but this is what breast milk has Fat total (g/100 ml) 4.2 fatty acids - length 8C (% ) trace polyunsaturated fatty acids (%) 14 Protein (g/100 ml) total 1.1 casein 0.4 0.3 a-lactalbumin 0.3 lactoferrin 0.2 IgA 0.1 IgG 0.001...
  5. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    mmm im going to try it usually breastmilk spoils in 3 ill just feed my plants every two going to do a test on 3 diff plants one with water and nutes and the other with just breastmilk and the other with breastmilk and me crazy u never know i might get sum fat ass...
  6. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    well im going to try it seems like breast milk has alot of proteins and carbs
  7. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    lmao! haha i see thanks have you tried it before?
  8. Carlos24

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    ok so breast milk has a neutral ph and no chlorine or anything to contaminate it...anyone ever tried feeding their plant with breast milk or heard of it?
  9. Carlos24

    A Caregiver needs Weight Fast

    ya ill get u that!! no problem haha ya right are you stupid? sounds like a pig to me
  10. Carlos24

    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    it couldbe your water?
  11. Carlos24

    Bug Problem, Any Advice?

    woww its that miracle grow even if u kill them its gonna attract more buddy used some of that cus he was experimenting and he killed all the bugs and 3 weeks later more pop up..for some reason the bugs love that i would tell u not to use that again. and what my friend did is he...
  12. Carlos24

    Need Help! I Wanna Get a Huge Yield

    @troythepooh14 do u have any pics of any that are fim?
  13. Carlos24

    Need Help! I Wanna Get a Huge Yield

    thanks! ima probably start topping tomorrow
  14. Carlos24

    Need Help! I Wanna Get a Huge Yield

    hello, well im planning on taking my plants and putting em outside(colorado) in a 25 gallon smartpot! the problem is i dont want it to get taller then 5 feet the reason why cus of thieves.. so if any of you can help me please and thank you!
  15. Carlos24

    Im looking for "TRAINWRECK" the real one

    @ mmjpatient2 i need to get my hands on that!!
  16. Carlos24

    Fox Farm Nutes

    Fox farm nutes are really good and work great but they are really potent always give have of the measurement and move up! ;)
  17. Carlos24

    What Do You Think?

    Woww i have never seen seeds like that..cant wait to see what it is
  18. Carlos24

    Im looking for "TRAINWRECK" the real one

    Well the one i had was an arcata cut from California. which was clone only! so i know someone in colorado has to have one lol
  19. Carlos24

    Im looking for "TRAINWRECK" the real one

    oh ya i heard the greenhouse trainwreck is da same but not as potent! but let me know how it goes id be willing to trade
  20. Carlos24

    Im looking for "TRAINWRECK" the real one

    you should try tangerine dream..its kinda has a menthol/tangerine taste well at least my pheno