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  1. E

    Help me choose a bong

    Well I like them both around the same, just want to see opinions of other people :P Also maybe someone could describe what's the difference between those two? (Other than visual)
  2. E

    Help me choose a bong

    Hi, I was just wondering if you guys could help me choose which bong to buy. I'm kinda new to all this so I have no idea about bongs. I'm considering one of these right now: and...
  3. E

    cfl growers got something for you

    Nevermind, I just got banned on adfly for some reason, lost around 60$ that I was supposed to get this month, now I have like 12$ on paypal so probably couldn't afford shipping anyway.
  4. E

    cfl growers got something for you

    I'd really like some free stuff, I have never grown before but I will start soon and I have to buy all the equipment and everything, and I don't really know what I need yet, if you could give me something you used to grow it would be awesome. But I live in europe so the shipping would probably...
  5. E

    Some questions about a 300w CFL

    How can I make a good setup from a lot of small cfls? Do I need to build anything or can I just use simple sockets without any reflectors?
  6. E

    Some questions about a 300w CFL

    It will be a pretty decent sized room so I can't really paint it all white and stuff...
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    Some questions about a 300w CFL

    If I use multiple 23w cfls would I need any kind of reflectors or something like that?
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    Some questions about a 300w CFL

    So I found a 300w dual spectrum cfl on ebay and I wanna ask how many plants could it grow? Would it be able to grow like 2-3 plants at once assuming I get some decent reflector? And can I use the same lamp through out the entire growth because it's dual spectrum? (2700K and 6400K)
  9. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    If I use CFLs for growing would I need some kind of air ventilation or can I grow without it? The room I'll grow in will be pretty big.
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    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    What if I'd ask some person to connect it? I know someone who used to work as an electrician or something like that, would he be able to do it?
  11. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    And the shipping: Standard Postage (£92.00) So a total of 153.50 GBP = 657 LTL.... Same price.
  12. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    I wish I could, but I can't really afford that.
  13. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    The prices are in LTL (my country currency), if I do buy from other sites I would have to pay around 20-30 euros just for the shipping which makes it even more expensive. (436 LTL is around 100 GBP)
  14. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    So should I just go for CFLs then?
  15. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    What if I'd buy it and post photos of it? Could any expert here help me connect it?
  16. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    Nope... :mrgreen: But I guess I could just google it? Edit: the great google has told me it's green-yellow
  17. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    Europe. Would it be hard to follow the diagram without any electrical knowledge?
  18. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    Would some internet tutorial be enough or will I end up getting electrocuted? :lol:
  19. E

    How hard is it to connect a ballast?

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and growing, I'm planning on my first grow but I can't decide whether to go with CFLs or HPS, the problem is that I have no idea how to connect a ballast to the HPS and don't know if I could do it myself. How hard is it to connect the ballast? Would a person with no...