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    INFESTATION!! Please help!!! Pic attached

    Ahhhh! I got up this morning and part of one of my plants has tiny white bugs on it..a shitload of them!!! The plants have about 2-3 weeks left..are they spider mites? Whats the best and fastest way to get rid of them!!!??? Edit: Updated with hi res pics, scroll down!!!
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    Plant Ownership

    If he's threatening to call the cops on you, then stall a bit more and once you have the stuff chopped you can tell him to piss off and move it to a safe place. Either that or lie to him and say that somebody broke into your house and robbed your plant amongst other things.
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    FIRST GROW .. Four strains 1000 watt - Aeroponics

    Daaayummm!!! Lovely buds man, nice first grow!! Get a pic with a bic lighter or a clipper so we can get an idea of the scale :)
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    Gnat flys all over indoor hydro system. fly swatter isn't working

    Ill say this for a second time: BUY A GROW TENT
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    Stalk rot/fungus???? Help! Pics included

    Good old trusty Mazar!! :D Can you suggest any common items or foliar sprays which contain hydrogen peroxide?? Thanks
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    Stalk rot/fungus???? Help! Pics included

    Hey guys, one of the stalks on my flowering plants has some sort of rot in it. Its been getting worse so i need to do something or it might spread to other parts of the plant. This is a pic from about a week ago I looked this morning and the little branch coming out of the rotting part was...
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    HELP !! Whats wrong ??

    Maybe its a disease causing the buds to rot. It looks like your plant has been fed on by a few insects and some of them might have been carrying diseases. Has it been outdoors the whole time it was growing?
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    Gnat flys all over indoor hydro system. fly swatter isn't working

    Ok sorry, i didnt notice the hydro part, im baked. Here's some advice: 1: Buy a grow tent. 2: GET SHITLOADS OF STICKY TRAPS. Buy more then you think you'd need. Stick them where you see the most gnats, or just generally everywhere if you want. Better that then have them stick to your buds...
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    Need all info please flowering back to veg

    LOL, darkdestruction, i dont intend to undermine you like the last reply but im sure that buds wont fall off if the plant is re vegged for a short period of time (they prob would if it was for a long period) and switching back and forth from veg to flower DOES cause hermies. The reason im so...
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    2 Week Old DWC Plant showing some Leaf Discoloration

    Hmmm. Have a look at this page then and see which picture matches your condition most: I cant be sure by looking at your pics, maybe your PH is starting to go a bit off which is causing a nutrient lockout?? It also looks like your plant leaves...
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    HELP! Plant curling badly, wilting leaves.

    Definitely moisture stress. There is nothing wrong with a 2-3 day watering schedule, as long as you're waiting for the top couple of inches of soil to dry up before you water. Cupping leaves = moisture stress. Moisture stress is usually caused by too much heat.
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    Gnat flys all over indoor hydro system. fly swatter isn't working

    Get yourself some Gnat off and attach yellow sticky traps to the sides of your pots and around the top edges as well. Sticky traps hanging in the air wont do much good because gnats are always walking around the soil/edges of the pots/sides of the pots and sometimes the base of the stem. Maybe...
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    SLH sprouted, then embryonic leaves fall off.

    Check this out:
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    46 days 12/12 and no visable bud to speek of

    Does the room with the cupboard in it have good air?? Maybe leave a window open in this room all the time if you're using it for air.
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    2 Week Old DWC Plant showing some Leaf Discoloration

    Thats weird, never seen that before. Maybe its some sort of plant disease or the brown spots are where an insect has sucked the juices out of the leaves. Have you spotted any bugs??
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    HELP! Plant curling badly, wilting leaves.

    Different plant strains have different levels of tolerance and must be treated differently in most cases. If the affected plants are a different strain then it might just be that they cant withstand the same conditions that your healthy ones can because they aint as "tough" xD Ive no...
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    Need all info please flowering back to veg

    No, the flowers will stay there and new ones will grow on top when you go back into flower. Only problem with going from flower to veg and flower again is your might cause a hermie so i wouldnt advise it. Its ok for a plant to start flowering at a small size because it still grows (upto 3...
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    6 1/2 weeks flowering problems.

    To be honest, im not sure if you're over fertilizing as badly as you think. The only signs i see of a nutrient deficiency are a few red stems but i can see other stems in the pic are green so i think its a minor N, P, K deficiency (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium). Also the colours of your...
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    Curling Leaves...HELP

    Is this grown from bagseed? If so it could just be a dodgy dwarf phenotype with weird leaves, ive had them before. if not it looks like some sort of moisture stress because the ends of the leaves have cupped downwards Read this :) ...
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    HELP! Plant curling badly, wilting leaves.

    Looks like moisture stress due to high heat. Nothing to do with watering (could possibly be over fert but i dont think so). Check out this sticky on rollitup: That should help.