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  1. B

    What did this damage? Pics included.

    Hey thanks for replying Mazar! Im pretty sure the yellow tips and edges have been fixed, the leaf doesnt repair itself right? I was actually giving them way too much nutes until 2- 3 weeks ago, i made the mistake of following the biobizz schedule but i found a new schedule which seems to work...
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    What did this damage? Pics included.

    Maybe this will help me get a reply :P 1) PICTURE OF PLANT *** VERY IMPORTANT *** - above ^^^ 2) Growing indoor or outdoors - Started outdoor, brought indoor to flower 3) Watering schedule - Whenever the soil is dried up, every two or three days 4) Growing Medium - Soil 5) What stage of growth...
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    6 1/2 weeks flowering problems.

    The same thing is currently happening to me and i think it might have been a heat issue. I lowered my temps and the leaves seem to be going back to normal. Is your light very hot? Put your hand where the plant is for a few seconds, does it burn? If its a heat problem, a fan blowing across the...
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    My puppy broke off my flowering plant, any way to fix it? : (

    I agree with serapis. Put the stem perfectly back on top of the rooted stubb you have left, stake it so its standing straight and put some masking tape around where the break is, it may heal itself. Ive broken and buckled branches and they've always healed, but as far as a plant being chopped at...
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    46 days 12/12 and no visable bud to speek of

    What do you have with regard to ventilation? If they arent getting enough Co2 this could be the problem. Or it could be that your plants are 100% sativa which makes for a much longer flowering time, possibly 12 weeks. If this is the case your buds will be long and thin as opposed to the common...
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    What did this damage? Pics included.

    Does anyone recognise this kind of damage? Its done by a tiny slow moving translucent bug that usually nestles itself anywhere directly beside the main vein of the leaf on the underside. I fear it could be spider mites but ive only found them by themselves and i dont see any eggs or anything...
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    First grow, 600w, Vegged for two months!! Outdoor to Indoor.

    I dont really have any group shots in flower because of the size of the space im not able to stand back far enough to get the full height in the shot. Here's some pics a few days before they were taken inside. The largest one is surrounded by chairs cause it kept getting blown over so i had to...
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    First grow, 600w, Vegged for two months!! Outdoor to Indoor.

    Also i have lots more pictures if anyone wants to see what they looked like in veg or at any earlier stage. Just request and ill post them :)
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    First grow, 600w, Vegged for two months!! Outdoor to Indoor.

    Ok so here we go. I planted 5 seeds from bagseed in mid June. My plan was to keep it cheap and i really just wanted to see what would happen, i wasnt really doing it seriously. I started them in a greenhouse and they did really well for the first month and a half until they grew too big and i...
  10. B

    Spider mites???

    Thanks for all the replies guys. I like the idea of tobacco spray but my worry is that cigarettes contain a lot more chemicals that might be bad for the plants..maybe rolling tobacco is better? Id say my plants have about 5-6 weeks left and they're BIG. The biggest being probably 7 foot. Im...
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    Fed up.Considering throwing in the towel

    No its not over watering. Definitely nutrient lock out.
  12. B

    Spider mites???

    Anybody??? Near microscopic bugs dwelling in soil????
  13. B

    Spider mites???

    Hey guys im growing 4 plants that are looking nice and in day 26 of flower. Just before the lights went off today i checked the soil of one of them and it had tons of tiny little light brown bugs on it, they're so small i cant even get a picture with my good camera. Ive just started giving them...
  14. B

    broken stem 1 week from harvest

    No dont chop it! When i clumsily break stems i get some masking/insulation tape and wrap it around the broken stem a few times. It gets the stem to support itself somewhat while holding it upright and the stem fills out and usually becomes thicker where the break was. Funnily enough, i snapped a...
  15. B

    nutes problem?

    How long has this plant been growing for? If you're using a soil that comes packed with nutrients such as bio-bizz's all mix, its a good idea not to use any nutes at all for the first week or two. The soil already contains enough nutes to keep the plant healthy for at least a week, I usually...
  16. B

    K deficiency???

    You can also use epsom salts to correct the problem if it is magnesium. The best thing about the treatment for this is you only have to do it twice of three times throughout the whole course of the grow. Maybe this link will help
  17. B

    K deficiency???

    Could also be magnesium. I had a problem with magnesium when i used the biobizz stuff cause i dont think they contain any magnesium. Try flushing your soil, and get some stuff called "calmag" or if you wanna stick to organics biobizz has stuff called "alg-a-mic" which contains magnesium and...
  18. B

    Whitish yellow eggs???

    Possibly snail/slug eggs, remove them immediately.
  19. B

    Mystery Bug

    Thanks guys. Sorry for the long reply, havent checked this in a while. I havent actually seen a leafhopper all week because ive been killing them by hand. There are still annoying bits of damage so ill stick on some neem, cheers ;) Has anyone ever used biobizz leafcoat before?? It seems really...
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    Mystery Bug Whats the best pesticide to use for them?